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Really Ill Ferret

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so seeing your ferret like that still didnt have a enough inpact on you to get him to the vets in my fecking books thats animal cruelty you should of had it put down when you knew it was bad or put it of its miisery your self either way it was dam out of order letting it suffer like that

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i am so sorry he didnt make it but i would have gone straight to the vets even if its out of hours and to be honest its very hard to do but i would have had him put to sleep at the vets ,he must have been in pure agony before he died

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Look mark and sue, if you read the posts carefully you will see that i was GOING to the vets the next day to have him put down and as to why he didnt put him down there and then is a mystery to me he just told me to come back the next day.

And if you read it again i clearly said that i went down in the night to feed them and thats when i noticed that he was lathargic, and then his condition got worse really fast and the next day i put up a post on here about it and went to check on him before immediatly calling the vet so please stop arguing about this.



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Sorry to hear about your ferret, brought a few tears to my eyes.


It is awful when any animal (pet or otherwise) is unwell. All my ferrets are pets really with a couple of outings of working so I can't in all honesty say they earn their keep but to me they are priceless. They haven't yet let me down and ALWAYS without a doubt bring a smile to my face with their antics so am really sorry you lost him.


I have to say though that I would have paid the £30 out of hours fee if I thought one of mine was in pain, but you have to call it as you see best as you are the only one in the circumstances.

Edited by Trish_1967
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I too think we should bring an end to this post, ok so the guy has done things differently than some on here might have, but then were not all in the position to be able to rush to a vets at the first sign of trouble, and thats where "the ferreting section" gets used as an asking place, before rushing to a vets, I learnt this the expensive way, an rushed to the vets with a hob that had what looked like a rash on the back of its neck, was given creams, an injection for the ferret, an explanation of mange and a nice bill of £30, that I could have done without, only to then put up a post about it, and be told it was from my other randy hobs, mounting each other, so scuzy will have learnt a couple of things from all these replies,


either to keep a close eye on there ferrets conditions, and post questions earlier, remembering that animals cant speak, and an Ilness can make an animal deteriorate very quickly, also for others to remember, that this is a hunting forum, and some people are lucky enough to live "in the middle of no where" so seeing a sick animal late on a saturday afternoon, may mean having no choice but to wait until the monday to see a vet, and an animal can very easily die within 24hrs,


and the second, maybe in future they wont ask, which would be a shame

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