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Really Ill Ferret

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Hello all,

I recently found an albino hob 2 months ago and he has been fine up until now.

I went down to feed them an hour ago and he is really lathargic and wont come out of his nest box, when i picked him up i noticed he has a really large, hard, swollen lump around his groin area?

However, 2 days ago he climbed up the cupboard in his run and bit open a tube of that Multivitamin/Malt paste and ate half the tube :blink:.

I dont know if this is anything to do with his tiredness or is it the swollen lump or both?


Please help any advice on what it could be he is a great worker and i dont want to lose him.


Regards, Luke.

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Hello all,

I recently found an albino hob 2 months ago and he has been fine up until now.

I went down to feed them an hour ago and he is really lathargic and wont come out of his nest box, when i picked him up i noticed he has a really large, hard, swollen lump around his groin area?

However, 2 days ago he climbed up the cupboard in his run and bit open a tube of that Multivitamin/Malt paste and ate half the tube :blink:.

I dont know if this is anything to do with his tiredness or is it the swollen lump or both?


Please help any advice on what it could be he is a great worker and i dont want to lose him.


Regards, Luke.


I am pretty sure the malt paste would have had a laxative effect on the ferret if its eaten a lot of it, if your at all worried under the circs i would get him to a vets due to where the lump is

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YOU SHOULD HAVE ALREADY CALLED THE VETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Er, for your information, i did call the vets at about 7:30 last night as soon as i knew he was ill when they were SHUT and it would cost me an extra £30 for them to open the surgery Out-Of-Time and they told me it would be best to ring them in the morning and keep him wrapped up warm for the night which i DID and i HAVE called the vets now and ive got an appointment for him at 3:30, so if i were you id keep your mouth shut and dont jump to conclusions when you dont even know whats gone on <_<

Edited by Scuzy
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but why havent you called the vets before you actualy made a post about it mate


my ferret looks like its almost dead what should i do






as you state in the morning you went down to check then u put a post up at one pm about it and at one you still hadnt made a appointment?

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Well i may have not stated it clearly in the first post, but i was just worried and i wanted all the help i could get, however ive been to the vets and its bad news, he said he has a ruptured bladder hence the swollen stomach, he is quite an old ferret and the vet said he would put him to sleep or i could take him home as he wont be around much longer :no: .

So i brought him home and hes in his sleeping compartment with his favorite thing, a rabbits head even though hes not eating it :(.

Hes looking really tired and i feel really sorry for him and im spending all the time i can with him now untuil tommorow and if hes made it through the night im taking him back to the vets tomorrow to put him to sleep :( .

I asked the vet what would cause such an injury and he said if id found him which i did it could have been due to a trauma ie; being hit by a car poor thing.

Its such a sad ending, at the beginning i never thought it would come to this i thought it would be a case of some antibiotics and bing-bang all better again but sadly it doesent look like hes going to pull through but im not all that sad hes had a good life and ive already bred him with my jill so his legacy will live on as a great working ferret :rolleyes:.

Ive had some bad luck this year, i lost a great ferret 3 weeks ago and now this, im really upset.


Regards, Luke.

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Its OK, but sadly he hasent made it and he was dead at around 8:00 when i went down to feed the others :cry:, im off up the mountain tomorrow to bury him an lets hope those kits of his turn out OK.

Another loss of a great worker but hes had a good life and he died peacefully :sorry:.



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Guest basil46

It`s surprising how many get attached to their ferrets. I know a few that buy them in september and unload them at the end of the season because it`s a hassle looking after them during the summer. I keep mine all year because to me, they are worth their weight in gold. In fact without them how good a season would any of us have? Sorry to hear of your loss mate, at least you took the steps that many others wouldn`t have. Your ferret was lucky to have such an owner.


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Na, i doubt it because of the condition he was in with the swollen abdomen etc.. Either way i dont think the vet could have done anything about it :no:.



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