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Had our final dig of the seaon the other day, not a bad one to finish up on. Took the terriers out and marked a two hole spot that went into a steep bank, didnt llok to clever but terriers gave a good mark, so we dropped the dog in and waited for the bolt. :thumbs: With no show of charlie or terrier we assumed that he'd bottled him up somewhere. Turned on the B&F and got a mark at 3.5m, we waited for a while hoping for it to shift but no luck so we started to dig, after 2 shovel loads the B&F pips slowed down so obviously charlie wasn't bottled up. :thumbdown: Anyhoo gave the dog a bit more time and kept our eye out on the holes but still nothing. Finally, got a steady mark at 2.5 and didnt move an inch whole time so we dropped the hole. 2 hours later we broke through, which was a mighty relief as we couldnt hear anything until we were about 0.3 off the dog. Fox was dispatched humanely and a very happy keeper at the end of it when we gave him the good news. :big_boss:


B&F at 2.5 (can only just make it out)




Good Result!







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that was some bit of digging done in 2hours fair play to ya :toast:


Well picture gives it away, orange soil, nice and sandy so digging was quite easy. :boogie: Only thing was it was quite damp soil so it sticks to your shovel pain in the arse having to knock it off all the time. :wallbash:


Sadly no pictures of the dog, on loan from a hunt kennals, did the job very well! :victory:

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