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Eye dominecne...help

Guest guevara

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Guest guevara

I have master cross eye or something, so every time i shoot i have to close my left eye which is annoying as i prefer to have a plain field of view.

If i look at the bead with both eyes open, the target goes all fuzzy, and if i try to look at bead and target together i can see down the side of the barrel and everything goes all fuzzy.

Should i just look at the target with both eyes open and not even bother looking at the bead the bead?



Any help would be great.

Reagards everyone

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I have master cross eye or something, so every time i shoot i have to close my left eye which is annoying as i prefer to have a plain field of view.

If i look at the bead with both eyes open, the target goes all fuzzy, and if i try to look at bead and target together i can see down the side of the barrel and everything goes all fuzzy.

Should i just look at the target with both eyes open and not even bother looking at the bead the bead?



Any help would be great.

Reagards everyone



Take the bead off and throw it away...use the rib! I don't know why shotgun manufacturers bother with the bead!

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Guest guevara

I dont mean to sound daft but is the rib the barrel?


If i get rid of the bead will i be able to concentrate on barrel and target?




Deker your inbox is full so i cant send you a PM

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Try either removing your bead and replacing it with a "sight-eaze", which is a inch ling fiberoptic which acts like a bead but due the the nature of FO is increases your ability to focus straight along its path; alternativly shoot in glasses, and use a small plaster or tape on the inside of the centre of the lense. This will still allow you to have full periferal vision but will stop your left eye creaping to take over and donimate the focus of your sight pitch.


If this doesn't make sence, pop into a gun shop and they will show you what I mean. You can actually buy small stickers for just this purpose.

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if your looking to find your dominent eye, then point your finger to the corner of the room where the ceiling meets the two walls with both eyes open.

now keep your finger pointing and close your left eye if it does not move of the corner your left eye dominent try it with each eye one closed at a time.

if your finger does not move of the corner that is your dominent eye, do this with your finger at arms reach.

Now to the point of keeping an eye closed. if two birds rise fairly far apart then with the one eye closed you may not see it.

this is very important in clay shooting and they drive this fact home about keeping two eyes open. hope this helps. :thumbs:

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Guest guevara

Thanks for your advice.Im going to get rid of the bead.If i point a finger at the corner i cant focus on the finger and the target together.It goes all double vision.

Edited by guevara
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:hmm: another option is to have the gun fitted with a crosseyed stock this will allow

you to sholder the gun whilst allowing you to use your dominant eye to sight

with talk to a good gun shop they should be able to advise you of a gunsmith

with a fitting service however it will not be cheap :no:

this is assuming your problem is caused by you sholdering the gun on the opposite

side to your dominant eye

hope this helps

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guevara, please don't get your head up your ar*e and start having another of your temper tantrums, I've already had to block your PM's because of this. All of the questions you are asking can be answered by fellow shooters at what ever ground you shoot at, nothing beats on hand advice and most, if not all shooters are only too pleased to offer the novice shooter any help they need.

Join the CPSA, the handbook you get with membership has ALL the answers. Get some tuition, £20 or £30 gets you an hour of one to one, worth every penny.

You tell us that you have been shooting clays for seven years, all of your issues should have been sorted by now.

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which ever eye keeps your finger where it is when you have both open is your dominant eye.. had a silmilar problem with my bosses wife when i taught her, i got her to wear a eye patch over her less dominant eye..


ratman 2 ... now i dont know the ins and outs of what has happened between you two but he has every right to ask questions on a shooting forum about shooting, has he not ??? like wise you have the right to block his pms... your answer is right in a way just harshly put...

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which ever eye keeps your finger where it is when you have both open is your dominant eye.. had a silmilar problem with my bosses wife when i taught her, i got her to wear a eye patch over her less dominant eye..


ratman 2 ... now i dont know the ins and outs of what has happened between you two but he has every right to ask questions on a shooting forum about shooting, has he not ??? like wise you have the right to block his pms... your answer is right in a way just harshly put...


My answer is not intended to be harsh, I just type as I speak, straight to the point. Yes we all have the right to ask questions, that's what the forum is for but what I'm saying is, basics like eye dominance should be sorted even before you get a gun. Years ago I went along to a clay club just for a look and ended up having a go with a members gun, eye dominance was sorted before I got to the line.

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Guest guevara

OK thanks.I have brought breaking clays and a clay shooting DVD.I have been shooting clays for about 7 years and had about 11 lessons.This eye domincence has started to creep upon me within the last year.

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