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Why lurchers dont get judged correctly?

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  mush said:
because most of the judges are show people to, or feel like they have to pick well known people or dogs.


Ever onwer and thier dogs should have a fair chance and anyway their should be more judges that work themself than those show judge that just like SALUKIES :gunsmilie:

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Guest tina/kev/sky/ace/tug

a few years ago before i lived in scotland i had a spell liveing in north wales and went to a few shows there :icon_eek: boy they were fixed. Before the show you would always see the judge talking to the person who ended up winning the show.It was always the same people who won and i know of one guy who always won used tredmills and never ever worked his dogs but always won.

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  grewgirl said:
Ever onwer and thier dogs should have a fair chance and anyway their should be more judges that work themself than those show judge that just like SALUKIES :gunsmilie:

you'll have to tell me where to find these judges that like saluki types LOL as all the one i see like the almost pure greyhound or whippet types.



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  tina/kev/sky/ace/tug said:
a few years ago before i lived in scotland i had a spell liveing in north wales and went to a few shows there :icon_eek: boy they were fixed. Before the show you would always see the judge talking to the person who ended up winning the show.It was always the same people who won and i know of one guy who always won used tredmills and never ever worked his dogs but always won.


Its the same in scotland and ayrshire , its the same dog it wins, nobody has a chance when this goes on.

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well dont show them and i cant beleive on a hunting channel going on about a poxy show you should care more ,is my freezer filled with game and ive got through another season without getting nabbed or in trouble of sorts showing to me is nothing so dont bother your self , it was never a good working dogs requirment honestly , if you enter its like a lottery some of my dogs are niceish but stitched bit with stuff that bites back, scarred its no big deal ifi was seruois int shows get a pure breed etc

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myself & a friend went along to a show on sunday. he hasn't been to a show in years, but used to do all the norfolk & suffolk shows in the 70's, and a few out of the area. he was appalled. no beer tent, no racing, the only dogs that looked like they'd been worked were ours (none of the rest had even a scratch on them), no fights, no bacon butty van, 4 quid to park, and NO SMOKING!!!! :censored:

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:wallbash: Every show in Scotland is fixed i have been to most of them and nine times out of ten its known what dog is winning before it even starts and this is in no way sour grapes as i am not interested in scabby rosettes as my dogs are hunters and would rather have one bunnie than ten tickets but surely a show should be a level playing field to give everyone a fair crack?

  grewgirl said:
Why do judges at all the gamefairs and lurcher shows pick show dogs over working dogs,

so [bANNED TEXT] they may have scares but this shouldn't stop them being judged fairly :wallbash::wallbash:

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nothingslevel in life especaily the dog game saw dogs thta were picked that had not amark on them looked like pure greyhounds a waste of a day for your dog hanging about for a rossete better leaving to the real rosete hunters whoa are only intrested in the rossete

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  grewgirl said:
Why do judges at all the gamefairs and lurcher shows pick show dogs over working dogs,

so [bANNED TEXT] they may have scares but this shouldn't stop them being judged fairly :wallbash::wallbash:

Ive done a fair bit of judging over the years,and never marked a dog down because of scars that didnt affect its ability to do the job it was designed for,that said I never put a dog up because it was a patchwork quilt either,scars prove little the dog might just be a clumsy oaf who cuts himself on a blade of grass.Once and for all a judges function is to pick the best dog on the day ,based on its conformation,movement,condition,and temparament. A judge is not there to give his opinion on a dogs working capabilities, without seeing each animal at work ,he cant. A show is essentialy a beauty contest,,one man or womans opinion,and should be treated as such.Personally Ive never coveted a showing rosette,but I have quite a few coursing ones ,and wouldnt part with them for the world.If showing means that much to some one, perhaps they would be better off going in for pedigree dogs where there is a laid down standard.Inan.

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Chalky and Inan are correct in what they say however, I have found from my own experience that a number of judges I have shown my Beardie bitch under have been very interested until they look in her ears. The words "oh ancock bred" have slipped from the lips of more than the occasional judge. Now I couldn't give a hoot one way or another whether my dog gets a pretty little red rosette or not, I know she does her job, a job of work! one she does very very well at thank you very much but, and here is the crux. If you are deemed experienced and expert enough to know what a good dog looks and feels like why would you discriminate against a dogs breeding or rather the dogs breeder despite the fact that it could be a sound animal in every other way. It's just sad really.


As I've said I really don't care, I just don't put my dog in the ring anymore, I go to country shows for the crack, the banter and to meet up with friends thats all these days. After all said and done, most of the top show lurchers in the country have never seen a full days work in their lives.


If I were you my love I'd take pride in what I own, as long as it does it's job, and bollocks to what anyone else thinks. :thumbs:

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