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Why lurchers dont get judged correctly?

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Why is it that if you have a David Hanncock lurchers with its ear- tattooed, they don't get picked to win any shows.

It always seem that show dogs get picked over worked dogs.


WHY DO ALL JUDGES GO FOR SALUKIES/ :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Edited by grewgirl
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I wouldnt think anyone would actually know your dog was off those lines unless you told them? ear tattooes shouldnt make a difference to how the dog is judged, perhaps the reason your dog is not doing well in shows is because its not racy enough? collie crosses dont usually do well in shows unless they have more sighthound in them than collie. Does it really matter? if your dogs agood worker then who cares what a judge thinks?

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  grewgirl said:
Why is it that if you have a Brian Plummer lurchers with its ear- tattooed, they don't get picked to win any shows.

It always seem that show dogs get picked over worked dogs.


WHY DO ALL JUDGES GO FOR SALUKIES/ :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


Do you mean David Hancock ear tattooed lurchers? :hmm:

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  Bosun11 said:
  grewgirl said:
Why is it that if you have a Brian Plummer lurchers with its ear- tattooed, they don't get picked to win any shows.

It always seem that show dogs get picked over worked dogs.


WHY DO ALL JUDGES GO FOR SALUKIES/ :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


Do you mean David Hancock ear tattooed lurchers? :hmm:


Yes i did got mixed up reading something else :yes:

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well i can honestly say when i have judged i aint gone for a dog just cause its tatooed or not and i dont always go for salukis i pick what i think is the best on the day . and most shows i have been to i have done well enough at and i dont have hancock plummer or saluki sooo i must be doing sumut wrong lol or right maybe :rolleyes:

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As much as i like going to shows for me they are just a day out,

Time to unwind and relax and to be nosey at other people`s dogs, :laugh: if the judge should pick my dog out then so be it, if they dont, then who cares,

I Know that on the end of the lead i`me holding i`ve got one hell of a dog that does all i ask of her.




She happend to win Champion Bull X the other weekend, but i`de still have had a good day out if she had`nt

And as for not picking dogs that show signs of work, i think your wrong their too,




Or do you think it might be the way i look that they picked my bitch on that day, :laugh:


Yis Mars.


Edited to ad, My beef about shows is, why are Bull crosses judged seperatly from other Lurchers ? mine does all the work that any other lurcher does and probably a bit more than most, :whistling:

In fact i can think of only 1 show where she`s been in the Champ class at the end of the day and thats Peover, :thumbs:

Edited by Mars
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  Mars said:
  gaia said:
Oh! I saw you at the show! Even fussed the dog, small world eh? Your dog looked in great shape!


Yes i remember, :blink: you were dressed as you are in your avatar, :angel::icon_redface:



Funnily enough, no I wasn't! :) Glad I am so memorable to you Mars! :D You local to Shugborough then?

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  gaia said:
  Mars said:
  gaia said:
Oh! I saw you at the show! Even fussed the dog, small world eh? Your dog looked in great shape!


Yes i remember, :blink: you were dressed as you are in your avatar, :angel::icon_redface:



Funnily enough, no I wasn't! :) Glad I am so memorable to you Mars! :D You local to Shugborough then?


Bout 20 mile away, how about you. ?

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in answer to your question i find that most folks dont pick hancock dogs becuse of his association with the late david brian plummer as most fock dont like puppy peddlers and there freinds :censored:

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