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3 weeks ago whilst on holiday my lurcher storm nailed a few rats ( 41 during the week) i obviously kept the bites clean with salt water an diluted TCP well all of a sudden hes got this on his lip ,it doesnt appear sore or bothering him so if anyones got any advice what to put on it it will be much appreciated dont waant to get ripped off at vets unless i have to :drink:005-Copy.jpg



ps theres no puss in it at all :drink:

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It does look fairly healthy yeah, but its hard to see from the pic if its raised or not... The only thing I would say is that mucus from the nose carries alot of bacteria, so if the dogs nose has been running over an open wound big or small, it could create a bit of an infection... Just keep an eye on it for changes, and keep up with the the regular bathing. (I'd probably cut out the TCP and just use salt water) Also, the dog can lick alot in that area, so it might be irritating it itself.....

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