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A new Group for us all to unite behind

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  nitevision said:
fuc :icon_eek:k me i lived there for two year,[bANNED TEXT] a retarded shite hole,


I've not been to Mablethorpe for a couple of years even though I live near to it. It's not a bad place in winter but fills up with trippers during the summer, now that spoils it. :whistling:

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  Ratman2 said:
  The Sporting Agent said:
Well, I've just caught up with the thread; I guess that answers that question then!


But anyone who questions my integriry or desire for wanting to make a change can f**k right off; I don't see anyone else trying to do anything. Maybe I got the idea wrong, maybe not, but something has to be done.


Now now! calm down :boxing: , heres my take on it.



The idea in principal is a good one, in practice it would probably be impossible to implement. The cost of just getting the idea of the ground would run into many thousands of pounds, staff and premises, phone lines and promotional advertising, membership forms etc. Please don’t suggest that meetings could be held in a pub, if just 1% of people involved in shooting, country and field sports joined up, a damn great conference hall would be needed to hold a meeting. I accept that no insurance is to be offered but public liability cover for ‘The Club’ would be needed. Legal advice and representation would also have to be taken in to the equation. Also, as potential members of ‘The Club’ would still need to have membership of one of the other sporting bodies to maintain their insurance cover and other benefits, would they be willing to pay yet another fee to join yet another sporting body. I personally would not, and nor would I submit my personal details to an unknown body.

To amalgamate all sporting interests would open up all sorts of problems, the needs and interests of an angler are miles away from that of a shooter and so on, the laws and regulations covering each activity are, in many cases, different in England, Scotland and Ireland. I believe Wales is covered by England’s regulations but please tell me if I’m wrong.

I’m not sure of the legalities of setting ‘The Club’ up as a charity either, as I feel it would be seen as a representational body rather than a charity.

Sorry but it’s a non starter for me.


Acommon sence answer, I appreciate your honesty. I am aware of many ofthe points you have raised but thank you for an honest oppinion which is what I was asking for.



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  Deker said:
Flippin ek...you guys are at it again...apathy is rife in the shooting fraternity or someone would have kicked the pathetic and self centred NRA into touch years ago.


The UK shooter (sporting enthusiast) is, and will continue to be walked all over by antis, Sun readers and politicians concerned about their jobs.


The Sporting associations, BASC, CA, SACS, NRA, CPSA, ETC, ETC, ETC, have one simple overriding interest ...SELF PRESERVATION. And before you all start to slag me off..consider... who is the first MD to lose their job, who is the first Chief Executive, who is the first XXXXX...after all, when we get ONE organisation which will represent everyone (because that is the way it will develop) everyone will want to join...so all the other organisations will lose their members and dissapear! :whistling:


There is an urgent need for ONE organisation to get behind and unite the sporting community!.


How this is to be achieved is a mystery to me and will struggle due to general apathy and opposition from EVERY other sporting organisation!


Welcome to the real world!


Another honest response, thank you for your honest opinion.



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Guest markbrick1
  The Sporting Agent said:
Anyone who feels they might want to talk this idea out a little further, or just meet me to see I'm not some money grabbing sharlitan; I'll be at the West Country GF on Sunday at the Bath & West Show Ground; PM me and we can arange to meet for a pint.


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  The Sporting Agent said:
Anyone who feels they might want to talk this idea out a little further, or just meet me to see I'm not some money grabbing sharlitan; I'll be at the West Country GF on Sunday at the Bath & West Show Ground; PM me and we can arange to meet for a pint.


How will we know it's you, will you be wearing the same cap as in your avitar :hmm:

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  Ratman2 said:
  The Sporting Agent said:
Anyone who feels they might want to talk this idea out a little further, or just meet me to see I'm not some money grabbing sharlitan; I'll be at the West Country GF on Sunday at the Bath & West Show Ground; PM me and we can arange to meet for a pint.


How will we know it's you, will you be wearing the same cap as in your avitar :hmm:


Probably........and I'll have 4 spaniels and a terrier in tow! :wallbash:

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A bit sneaky this!! and fundamentaly wrong :no: this is not a merging of two topics?? this is now one topic using posts from an originall thread that was based on a poll. I am absolutely disgusted and appalled that a tactic like this woud be used and infringes a mods integrity with methods like this being used to promote this fiasco, I now feel vindcated in not supporting it. It's a bloody travesty and a disgrace If the Sporting Agent was looking for allies in this venture by engaging the support of current organisations and their members? don't count on SAC's co-operation :angry: By merging two posts it does not reflect the true interest that was in these subject/subjects. Its now!! vote rigging and manipulation of the very worst kind and it stinks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





This thread now no longer reflects the original topics, or hits/views :hmm: its been manipulated to show its had more interest than it actually had shame shame on the people concerned :angry::angry::angry:

  ChrisJones said:
Topics Merged And Pinned. :)
Edited by Foxgun Tom
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  Foxgun Tom said:
A bit sneaky this!! and fundamentaly wrong :no: this is not a merging of two topics?? this is now one topic using posts from an originall thread that was based on a poll. I am absolutely disgusted and appalled that a tactic like this woud be used and infringes a mods integrity with methods like this being used to promote this fiasco, I now feel vindcated in not supporting it. It's a bloody travesty and a disgrace If the Sporting Agent was looking for allies in this venture by engaging the support of current organisations and their members? don't count on SAC's co-operation :angry: By merging two posts it does not reflect the true interest that was in these subject/subjects. Its now!! vote rigging and manipulation of the very worst kind and it stinks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





This thread now no longer reflects the original topics, or hits/views :hmm: its been manipulated to show its had more interest than it actually had shame shame on the people concerned :angry::angry::angry:

  ChrisJones said:
Topics Merged And Pinned. :)


Good God Tom calm down. "this fiasco"?I have had some critisizm about this idea but for it to be called a fiasco I think is a little hash, particulary as the seemingly "official" line from SACS. I have no problem with SACS or the other larger organisations, however you seem to have a huge problem with either me, my idea or both, primeraly based on my exclusion of SACS from the list on the original poll (for reasons I have explained).

If SACS sees itself in some way as developing the roll that I have sugested is needed, and I have no doubt in the work that SACS is doing, perhaps it aught give due concideration to changing its name to include and represent all regions of the UK? I know it does represent all areas, however the name implies that it is region specific.


By commenting that should such an idea become workable, there would be no support or cooperation from SACS, are you speaking on behalf of the board members/management, or the membership?


I'm sorry that you feel so agrieved and angry about my suggestion, it is just that, a suggestion; based on my experiance as a shot, fly angler, gundog enthusiast and avid supporter of all country pursuits and former employee withing the field sports industry. I see the need, as others do, for some way of uniting opinion and support accross the board and this is what this debate is all about. Weather the idea is workable or not, many including those on THL who have said it won't work because of attutudes etc do however agree that such strength of unity can only bea goodthing, while others are of the opinion it is unrealistic due to the variety of sports involved; time will tell. But one thing is for sure, this unity is not forthcoming from any of the recognised organisation; as much as they have a huge and important roll to play as membership organisations (SACS included) they are not the organisation/lobby that everyone in field sports can unite behind to promote their sports.


Once again I can only appologise for the depth of anger you feel towards this idea/me, and for the action of the Mod team in their management of this thread (and the poll thread) which you feel has been so badly delt with. If you feel it undermines you or SACS in any way that was not and is not my intention.


Let me also just address the isue of money which was raised earlier in the thread; not once have I mentioned making money, a subscription fee or membership fee. It is not my intention to make money for myself aslthough I can understand people aprehention based on not knowing me; but let me (as others have said) say this, it is in the interest of each andevery members organisation thathas even one paid member of staff to keep their fight alive; and keeping their fight alive is not whatthis is about. Its about the promotion of and understanding of field sports in the wider comunity and uniting all those involved to that end.

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Fao Sporting Agent!!!


Please!! don't tell me to calm down as I'm extremely calm and this is a crock of shit!! This issue is not about SACs or any other organisation in the scheme of things, therefore don't deflect the issue I could'nt give a rats arse about what you think about SAC's or me!! and to suggest I have certain views about you personally is false and misleading, You don't even know me to know what I think or believe in!! All I see is manipulation and conivance on your part to put your point across and thats self evident in the merging of two topics an issue that you've avoided to comment on!! As for SAC's changing it name why!! we allready have a SAC's Norhern Ireland run by By Northern Irish guys if it works there it can work in England and Wales And don't put words into my mouth" I never said you would'nt get the support of SAC's I said "don't count on it" see quote more manipulation on your part quote " If the Sporting Agent was looking for allies in this venture by engaging the support of current organisations and their members? don't count on SAC's co-operation" end quote I would ask respectfully that you don't misquote me to justify your own ends and arguement misquotation is a tactic used by groups like the LACs, PETA and other anti groups to great effect if your supportive of fieldsports as you undoubtly are don't let us use the tactics of anti scum against each other, so much for co-operation when you can't agree with a direct quote attributed to me and its there for all to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Edited by Foxgun Tom
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