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A new Group for us all to unite behind

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Chris, can I make a few observations here??


For some-one to come on this forum after a few months and propose a scheme that is allready in place to a certain extent?? and appears to be the Messiah were hoping for is a nonsense!! I never doubted the sporting Agents integrity for a minute, but to ask people not to question it" with a proposal like this is simply and morally wrong!! they have a right to ask questions of the individuals involved


You also have a backer of the proposal supporting TSA who makes points on his behalf and then refuses to comment on her posts and then makes the point that slanderous comments are made without making clear by whom when asked??


As for an apathetic response? most people don't have a clue who the sporting agent is , having never met him?? and therefore have no clue of his track record?? so why support him or respond to this post if it does'nt interest them?? Most members of this forum are not members of any of the current organisations therefore why do you think there would be interest in a new one??


I personally have only one agenda and thats through the Scottish Association for Countrysports to promote all fiedsports and members, Terrier/Lurcher men, Guns, Uncle Tom Cobbley and all!!


As a member of BASC can the Sporting Agent tell us why Basc are no loger present at certain show's this year and why SAC's have taken their place!!


BASC are not attending!! Shugborough Gamefair

Selby Gamefair

Lincolnshire Gamefair

Rockingham Gamefair


And for the last two years they've been absent from the Dumfries and Galloway Gamefair (SCOTLAND)


Could it be because!!!!! SACs are allready offering ordinary fieldsports enthusiasts what they want?? without the baggage of a toff and tweed brigade with all the hangers on I would suggest that a change is allready happening






Any want want to challenge or question my integrity I can assure you I won't be telling them to f**k off!! I'll be as honest as I can :thumbs:




Sac's was started by former members of BASC an the CA, in Northern Ireland many wildfowling clubs previously affiliated to BASC are now with us as well as a number of Wildfowling clubs from England we also have a large influx of members of Lurcher and Terrier clubs from England it must mean wer'e doing something right "That the ordinary guys can relate to us"




Someone passionately wants to help safeguard fieldsports. On a hunting forum that should be encouraged. Instead he's pulled down in a multi post extravaganza.


This isn't aimed at anyone in particular but in a time when we should be uniting we have yet another public thread where we're all falling out...


This pattern is being repeated throughout The Hunting Life. With the bickering now outnumbering the hunting we can only wonder whether there is an agenda at work? :hmm:

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Tom! Your insight is always welcome especially when fieldsports politics is concerned.


Maybe I'm wrong here but the proposals didn't appear to be setting TSA up as a saviour figure. He struck me as someone genuinely frustrated with our official bodies, wanting to get into the thick of it, and having no where to start but this forum. Is that not what this place is for?


The apathy was aimed more at this forum in general. 8000+ members and 54 votes on a poll that was based on who's in what group.


Take the personal issue aside and that is total apathy. Especially as this forum has far more visitors than the rest combined.


Agreed. No one knows who TSA is. Or me for that matter. But I can do nothing but applaud someone who wants to stand up and be counted and it's quite refreshing, on this forum, to find another who wishes to promote fieldsports instead of drag us all back to the stone age.


TSA's concerns are genuine ones. Maybe IanB could arrange some sort of discussion area, for fieldsports politics, so some of these concerns can be debated in civil manner? :tongue2::whistling::boxing:

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Now this reply is forthright, honest and shows integrity!!


Cheers Chris ;)


Tom! Your insight is always welcome especially when fieldsports politics is concerned.


Maybe I'm wrong here but the proposals didn't appear to be setting TSA up as a saviour figure. He struck me as someone genuinely frustrated with our official bodies, wanting to get into the thick of it, and having no where to start but this forum. Is that not what this place is for?


The apathy was aimed more at this forum in general. 8000+ members and 54 votes on a poll that was based on who's in what group.


Take the personal issue aside and that is total apathy. Especially as this forum has far more visitors than the rest combined.


Agreed. No one knows who TSA is. Or me for that matter. But I can do nothing but applaud someone who wants to stand up and be counted and it's quite refreshing, on this forum, to find another who wishes to promote fieldsports instead of drag us all back to the stone age.


TSA's concerns are genuine ones. Maybe IanB could arrange some sort of discussion area, for fieldsports politics, so some of these concerns can be debated in civil manner? :tongue2::whistling::boxing:

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Tom say's

This seem's an ideal opportunity to be a cash cow ( money making enterprise for some-one)

Talk about niave :whistling:





Whats that Tom :hmm:


do you make money out of our sport hobby???are, are you aiming to in the future,??????mark

Thats a quote from Markbrick1


'If you don't eat your meat, your can't have any pudding'



Quote from oneredtrim


I think those comment's pretty much sum's it up Tom, so do me a favour, stop trying to belittle me because you seem to think i'm an easy target.

My only mistake was to think TSA mean't what he may not have, and for that i have been insulted and had more than a few posts from you asking me all sort's of shite.

Now feck off because i'll not be on this site anymore so you'll be talking shite to yourself.

A few weeks ago, a few members on this site were writing some nasty post's about you Tom ( it got deleted), i thought they where wrong and said so, but now i wish i had'nt bothered because it looks like they are right.

You are an apathetic, self serving ass.

Ratman? why are you here???? your advice is crap, your post are crap and your stupid. Or are you still hoping to find a boyfriend???

Good bye

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Sorry Chris :no:


This seem's an ideal opportunity to be a cash cow ( money making enterprise for some-one)

Talk about niave



So!! it was me you attrbuted the slanderous comments too?? at least that cleared that up ;) whats slanderous about the above??


If you can;t take some heat you jump out of the kitchen why?? you only got a civil and polite response from me re: your posts!!


As for some nasty posts about me being deleted, I'm afraid like everybody else I have to take whats coming, if i'm prepared to give it!!! but I'm quite sure if you ask why the posts were deleted re: myself the mods will confirm that was a deciscion they took and I had no input in the matter



Edited by Foxgun Tom
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Flippin ek...you guys are at it again...apathy is rife in the shooting fraternity or someone would have kicked the pathetic and self centred NRA into touch years ago.


The UK shooter (sporting enthusiast) is, and will continue to be walked all over by antis, Sun readers and politicians concerned about their jobs.


The Sporting associations, BASC, CA, SACS, NRA, CPSA, ETC, ETC, ETC, have one simple overriding interest ...SELF PRESERVATION. And before you all start to slag me off..consider... who is the first MD to lose their job, who is the first Chief Executive, who is the first XXXXX...after all, when we get ONE organisation which will represent everyone (because that is the way it will develop) everyone will want to join...so all the other organisations will lose their members and dissapear! :whistling:


There is an urgent need for ONE organisation to get behind and unite the sporting community!.


How this is to be achieved is a mystery to me and will struggle due to general apathy and opposition from EVERY other sporting organisation!


Welcome to the real world!

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