pritch 335 Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 Dear TSA far from dismissing it i am crying out for it i am dismissing the options given t'is why i asked for the none option to give the people who feel disaffected a voice in your poll,I accept the point on multiple views perhaps the mods can do something about that especially for a poll but still the amount of people who have voted is pitiful & should tell you that something is wrong lurcher & terrier folk are not only not represented by these organisations & dont come in to their train of thought once they've had your £50 thankyou very much except for the mighty C L A who actually offered us up as sacrificial lambs in the hope that hunting with hounds would be left alone what a shower of c**ts, & such a short sighted shower of c**ts people still put there head in the sand I didn't give a feck about hunting with hounds but i supported those that did give a feck & was enough of a realist to know once one goes the next wont be far behind. If an organisation could be formed it should not ask if you hunt with gun,dog,ferret,rod or ride to hounds or indeed if you hunt at all but that you support the right of yourself & others to do so. pritch Quote Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisJones 7,975 Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 The answer to this problem is blatantly obvious.Contact the organisations and get them to publicly state there views HERE!I for one would love to hear them,especially from an organisation that turned its back on Lurcher and Terriermen ,in order to try and safeguard there own sport. While I agree it will never happen. Ever. In mine, yours and our great, great, great grand-kids lifetime. I feel we've been tossed aside far far to many times by the likes of the BASC etc. While I can partly agree BASC are shooting only. That's their mandate and they'll stick to it. They won't do anything to jeopardise them or their membership. The Airgun BBS had some extremely derogatory posts about hunting with dogs. Many of their membership wouldn't side with us, despite our continuing support for them. This only cements the need for a group to cover All Of The Above! For me its the NWTF and the work Barry Wade does. If any organisation speaks for the likes of myself this is it. Definitely! I met Barry at Pest Tech, Birmingham NEC. He made conclusive arguments into the use of terriers, for urban pest control. We need people like that flying our flag. Dear TSA far from dismissing it i am crying out for it i am dismissing the options given t'is why i asked for the none option to give the people who feel disaffected a voice in your poll,I accept the point on multiple views perhaps the mods can do something about that especially for a poll but still the amount of people who have voted is pitiful & should tell you that something is wrong lurcher & terrier folk are not only not represented by these organisations & dont come in to their train of thought once they've had your £50 thankyou very much except for the mighty C L A who actually offered us up as sacrificial lambs in the hope that hunting with hounds would be left alone what a shower of c**ts, & such a short sighted shower of c**ts people still put there head in the sand I didn't give a feck about hunting with hounds but i supported those that did give a feck & was enough of a realist to know once one goes the next wont be far behind. If an organisation could be formed it should not ask if you hunt with gun,dog,ferret,rod or ride to hounds or indeed if you hunt at all but that you support the right of yourself & others to do so. pritch The poll has been modified to allow the None Of The Above option. Hope TSA doesn't mind but it's been requested and would give a further insight into how these organisations are perceived. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Foxgun Tom 75 Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 (edited) I hold the posistion in the Scottish Association for Countrysports as development officer this posistion is volountary I attend game-fairs at my own expence promoting SAC's and it members The problem as I see it re: some of the other organisations is that they've lost their way in relation to grass roots members BASC a couple of years ago refused to help a 15 year old schoolboy who was seriously injured in a shotgun accident which resulted in the loss of an eye when out foxing with terriers as a spectator Basc basically told me to feck of when I approached them to ask for some moral support for the youngster It was with the strength and support of SAC's, this forum and it members, an others that lad coped and got on with his life the other organisations did'nt give a feck!!! The Countryside Alliance don't give a toss about Lurcher and Terrier work because it was always under their remit to promote foxhunting and nothing else? We!!! ordinary guys were cannon fodder and were only used in the numbers game at Countryside March'es At SAC's we promote all fieldsports!! and none of them are more important than an other, We also don't spend massive amounts of members money on salaries we have only 2 full time employees ( the office admin and our Director) BASC also tried to undermine other organisations eg: The NWTF, BASC brought out its own code of practice on terrier work despite being a shooting organisation with no history or background in terriers, It was also at loggerheads with the NGO over a pigeon pest control day a few years ago!! many BASC members resigned over that issue and a grovelling apology was made to the NGO and BASC members for not supporting and criticising them We!! gave our members the opportunity to vote for a merge with the Countryside Alliance ages ago when it was proposed by certain individuals who where also members of the CA?? the rest of us voted overwhelmingly against it Tom Edited March 9, 2008 by Foxgun Tom Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Kay 3,709 Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 Hello Tom had a cracking day in the SACS tent today i enjoyed it so much i am going back tomorrow Quote Link to post Share on other sites
pritch 335 Posted March 8, 2008 Report Share Posted March 8, 2008 there you go now all we have to do is make the scots, brits happydays Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Foxgun Tom 75 Posted March 9, 2008 Report Share Posted March 9, 2008 (edited) I don't see how your making the Scots/ brits happy if you join SACs?? membership is open to all who reside in theUK!! we have a large number of English members as well as Northern Irish members. All members of the four home countries are treated with the same respect and diligence and as an organisation wer'e extremely proud to have such a diverse membership with wide ranging views and opinions, Tom Ps: I regard myself as Scottish first rather than British (thats a personal view) and some of my English friends feel the same way about being English before feeling British?? but thats another debate there you go now all we have to do is make the scots, brits happydays Edited March 9, 2008 by Foxgun Tom Quote Link to post Share on other sites
The Sporting Agent 0 Posted March 9, 2008 Author Report Share Posted March 9, 2008 Plenty of food forthought here, with some interesting opinions and suggestions. I think we all know about the infighting and "rubbish" that has annddoes go on between the existingorganisations and there is little we or anyone can do to stop this; its as much to do with each of theirown identaties as it is political infighting between them to see who is top dog; there is much more at stake thatthe image of a few bloody organisations here!!! Chris, I don't mind the poll being added to/edited at all. Its important to note what I think is missing is not just another "hunting" oeganisation, its a lobby oe group that we can all unite under to promote our way of life andits benefits to the rural econamy and landscape. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
pritch 335 Posted March 9, 2008 Report Share Posted March 9, 2008 tom my last post was'nt meant as a slant, your description of SAC's sounds just the sort of organisation i was talking about encompassing all rural rural persuits equaly but i didn't know it was open to all the uk & the bit about making the scots, brits was referring to that, tongue in cheek as i know well how proud the scots are of there national identity YIS Pritch Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Foxgun Tom 75 Posted March 9, 2008 Report Share Posted March 9, 2008 (edited) Cheers for that I think the points I was trying to put across were: 1/ In SAC's opinion Terrier and Lurcher men are just as important as the registered hunts, these and others like them are the backbone of UK fieldsports 2/ Membership fees and subscribtions are not used for jamboreee's and social outings for staff and their mates??s its there to help members 3/ Wer'e a grass roots organisation!! member led and member run 4/ A personal view and one the organisation encourages: is when we attend show's and gamefairs I and the Director make a point of interacting with the ordinary punters because thats what we regard ourselves as wether its in our display stand or in the beer tent!! in my case its usually the beer tent?? 5/ Our Director will contact and speak to any member who telephones our office, will the BASC, Countryside Alliance etc: top brass do the same?? will they feck!! they'll delegate that issue to some-one else 6/Our organisation is about members!! not about statistics or whose bigger or best Tom tom my last post was'nt meant as a slant, your description of SAC's sounds just the sort of organisation i was talking aboutencompassing all rural rural persuits equaly but i didn't know it was open to all the uk & the bit about making the scots, brits was referring to that, tongue in cheek as i know well how proud the scots are of there national identity YIS Pritch Edited March 9, 2008 by Foxgun Tom Quote Link to post Share on other sites
pritch 335 Posted March 9, 2008 Report Share Posted March 9, 2008 just had a look at the SACs web site even if just for the insurance Quote Link to post Share on other sites
bill88 6 Posted March 9, 2008 Report Share Posted March 9, 2008 just had a look at the SACs web site even if just for the insurance You can join SACS as a member of "the hunting life club" you will then get the club discount which takes the membership price down from £30 to only £22 a year.Under 18's get free membership. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Kay 3,709 Posted March 10, 2008 Report Share Posted March 10, 2008 What i can say about SACS is having spent the weekend at Shugborough with them , one think i noticed was they were getting the under 18's in & signed up, thats free , very approachable people, they put up with me all weekend so that sayes a lot As soon as my wages go in the bank next week i am on the phone to them to sort out my membership Quote Link to post Share on other sites
zap 4 Posted March 10, 2008 Report Share Posted March 10, 2008 i,m a member of sacs and am pleased with being with them no doubt if ever needed i will be sorted ,but this is a thread looking to get everyone to stand together tweeds and shell suits Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Foxgun Tom 75 Posted March 10, 2008 Report Share Posted March 10, 2008 (edited) Its unfortunate, but some of the organisations that are run by tweeds don't have an interest in shellsuit members as you describe them?? and will only call on those when they need them an eg of this is Campeign's and March'es, the former Chief Executive of the CA in Scotland, in a coversation with me said "Stag-Hunting and Hare-Coursing are unpalatable to the public and there's no place for them in modern fieldsports!!!, this was just before any ban on hunting What chance does the so-called shell-suits have when the top guy in an organisation they support and is supposedley fighting for those very pursuits comes out with comments like that???Fieldsports and rural pursuits is the greatest leveller I know, but!! not every organisation thinks the same!! some of these guys make thousands a year in salaries they're not gonna throw that!! away by amalgamating with each other eg: both BASC and the CA have Public Relations and Media depts there's gonna be job losses for the so-called elite You'll never have "The Super Fieldsports Organisation" that caters for everyone by agreement of the organisations already in place? You will achieve it by consensus and agreement of the majority of ordinary fieldsports enthusiasts Tom i,m a member of sacs and am pleased with being with them no doubt if ever needed i will be sorted ,but this is a thread looking to get everyone to stand together tweeds and shell suits Edited March 10, 2008 by Foxgun Tom Quote Link to post Share on other sites
zap 4 Posted March 10, 2008 Report Share Posted March 10, 2008 cheers tom ,its a bit shitty how we cant all pull together and have a bit more clout ,so is there a way forward for us ????? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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