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A new Group for us all to unite behind

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There are so many organisations, each with a speciality but each also asking for a slice of our money and none of them uniting all field sports and fans in the fight to promote the way of life we all love and enjoy.


Is it time we had one organisation, even if it was a non membership one, which could unite everyone from all walks of life who love and enjoy the countryside, the sport it offers and the way of life that goes with the sports?

An organisation that speaks for everyone by promoting what we all know to be good, showing the rest of the UK that we are decent people from all walks of life who enjoy a variety of sporting oportunities that are vital to the shape of the countryside in Britain and are instrumental in supporting, shaping and developing this special part of this island that we love.

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If we could get one group that would support ALL of us I would join it. In the meantime I'm still in BASC because of it's insurance. When it expires I would consider SACS, details of which are at the top of this forum.

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Both myself and my daughter are members of the CA.


One organisation would be great in theory. It seems to me that there is a fair bit of 'infighting' between different disciplines. I don't know about other organisations but the CA certainly have been accused of not doing enough to support the likes of shooting and fishing and concentrating more on hunting. Will there ever be an organisation that can keep every lover of country sports happy?

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Yep. People disagree and then more groups form. This is diluting the power of our lobby and is making us weak.


The American NRA, whether you love them or hate them, has more members than the UK Conservative and Labour parties combined. Imagine what one cohesive voice could do for fieldsports. We have more supporters than the antis but we lack direction and have done for years. Unless this is remedied we will continue to be restricted.

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We have more supporters than the antis


Apparently the membership numbers for LACS stand at just 4500.


I suspect the RSPCA has a far greater number of supporters and donaters though and although some of them probably aren't against hunting because the organisation as a whole is anti hunting they get classed as anti hunting too.

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If we could get one group that would support ALL of us I would join it.



Will there ever be an organisation that can keep every lover of country sports happy?



Without having yet another organisation to dilute the voice, I think having an organisation/group to organise events and activities that we can ALL support and get behind to promote and show what good we do would be of use. Not one that competes with the existing organisation for membership, offering this or that service, but one that everyone can get behind regardless of weather they hunt, shoot, fish, run dogs or whatever.


One big problem as I see it is that very few of these organisations actually do anything to promote or maket to the public. They attend country shows aplenty, to get members; woopie....everyone there supports the cause anyway. They fight politically and write "papers" about legislation and this and that; but do they unite ALL sports enthusiasts? No. Do they promote our sports and way of life OUTSIDE those of us that are actually "in the club"? No......


Its about bloody time someone did. And I for one don't mind thinking about it. The CA and countryside Rocks is a prime example; GREAT idea, but it was aimed at the wealthier end of the sporting public and had little or no publisity or effect outside the sporting world. Lets get it right.

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Agreed TSA but will that happen in our collective lifetimes?


30 years of apathy would suggest no.


I think it might just happen. Just needs someone to make a start. Apathy is the biggest killer in this like you say. Its not the antis that hurt us, its the infighting and the apathy; if we can come together to support an ideal, we can still have BASC and the rest of them, but we can also do something positive to promote our way of life.


And who knows, this war of attrition might just start to move in the right direction???

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Im a member of SACS.I have been with the CA and BASC in the past.they are for the tweed and toffs brigade in my oppinion,and not very supportive of your average dogman.All i got from the CA was a quarterly newsletter with nothing worth reading,piles of raffle tickets that they wanted me to sell,and an invite to spend a fortune on a ticket to watch an aged rock star.Not very good value.SACS offer comparable insurance cover and free legal advice,and its less than half the price of the other big organisations. :thumbs:

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I think it might just happen. Just needs someone to make a start. Apathy is the biggest killer in this like you say. Its not the antis that hurt us, its the infighting and the apathy; if we can come together to support an ideal, we can still have BASC and the rest of them, but we can also do something positive to promote our way of life.


And who knows, this war of attrition might just start to move in the right direction???

It might do but recent history says it won't. I know it sounds defeatist but the pro hunt groups have only just worked out how to use the internet. The most frequently used pro hunt propaganda tool is probably this forum. If it isn't it's in the Top 5.


What do we have to show for it? Arguing. Lots and lots of arguing and infighting. A snap shot of the hunting lobby in general.


This forum could be used for great but there are many here that wish to see it disrupted. A reflection of all the hunting groups.


The best thing I could see would be a brand new organisation that would support all groups with enough incentive to pull people away from the others and their single issue views.


As that would never happen, because of the way we all behave, the next best thing would be to allow the single groups to remain but get their membership to sign them up to an umbrella group that would allow them to be separate but would bring them together when the situation required.


What would be the reality though? Another group diluting the vote to keep us arguing... many would see conspiracy in such a move. You'd think that with the 7000+ members this forum has we could use that for good? So what's stopping progress and holding us back?

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i see what your saying chris but the majority of argueing is about dogs i think one thing we all have in comin is the fact we love hunting and hate the antis ,i hope this comes to something :yes:

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