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lump on neck

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Thanks for the help,gave him synulux in some warm milk and he drank it no probs,the lump is softening at the edges but is hot to touch but is not painful to him as in as much as i can tell.He doesn't pull away when i feel it,he does have a little wound on his neck from another hob but it didn't look at all like it would of caused trouble.Again thanks.

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:laugh: ...Unless I'm mistaken Baytrill is a little on the bitter side!...Taste some and see for yourself. It's always good to vary AB's if your animal has to take them often for obvious reasons but ferrets present an administering problem.. :laugh:


It tastes disgusting , i had a good taste of the stuff last time i tried to administer it :laugh:

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An old thread i know but i have found the same on a little 3 legged hob i have,a large swelling under his chin.It is not affecting his breathing or feeding and is still quite hard,what antibiotics are used while waiting for it to soften and can i use dog antibiotics in smaller doses?,don't slate me on this i want the best but can't afford being ripped by the vets.If i can use dog antibiotics which one would be best?,would Rimadyl help as it's a anti inflamitry as well so could help with the swelling or would say synulux or clavet with amoxicillin in it be better?.This lttle bugger hasn't had the best of starts in life as i had to take him of his mum early and rear him with a lot of care,he has 3 legs and has no tail either,the runt of a mates litter and i just felt sorry for him.Hope someone can help as he is my favourite for sure.


dont tell us, his name is TRIPOD :icon_redface:

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giving my ferrets any synulux is a major operation



1.. 1 ferret

2...2 towels

3...1 helper





1..wrap ferret in towel with just the head poking out

2..get helper to hold bundle as tight as possible without causing harm

3..wait for ferret to yawn then place in synulux

4 get spare towel to clean your own face




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The synulux doesn't taste of anything(tasted it) and crumbles well in a bit of milk,he's been drinking it no problem.It is getting slightly smaller and softer so hopefully it's on the mend.He's called "John" Stubby, after the pirate but he isn't long or silver! and i'm joking with a chap called Stubby about stumpy limbs ;) ,grand site this when you need a bit of help with things.

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