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lump on neck

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well,went to do the deed tonight...was all tooled up and ready for the operation... :laugh: . opened the hutch......ferrets there with no lump!! i think its actually burst on its own!either that or she's scratched it til it burst! its back to almost normal apart from a small 3mm hole which i cleaned well with salt water(was a bit pussy but not much.). fingers crossed it doesnt come back again! :victory:


Nice one :thumbs: hopefully it wont come back now its burst, all you can do is keep an eye on her :)

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Bit late getting in here, but yeppers, I'd say it's an abcess. I'd also say that it was, in fact, due to a bit of rough and tumble. Thing ye need to realise is that, if Dog A bites Dog B on point C of B's body? Dog B ('B' for bitten) will actually throw an abcess on point W!


Applying that to ferrets? Hob bites her on the scruff of the neck? Bingo! Last place ye'd expect an abcess to present. Under the throat is a classic spot.


Treatment? Leave well enough alone - as long as it isn't interfering with the airway. Which it shouldn't. Wait till it feels more pliable than hard. While it's still hard, ye can open it and just find a yellow golf ball. No good to anyone. Softens up? Shave it.


Having shaved it, wash it (and ye hands) in liquid antisceptic; Surgical Spirit, what ever. Then take an unopened scalpel blade - from Boots - and just deftly stroke it with that. O M F G! Just Look at that shit!!! :icon_eek: :sick:


Now take a syringe of warm, salted water and flush that f*cker out. Flush it three or four times a day. If it reseals over night? Re open it with a fresh blade (They come in packs of five). Keep the once opened foil pack in the fridge. Less chance of bacterial adheasion and growth. Re open it till it stops filling. Job done.


How's that sound? Can ye relate that to your situation?


DITCH i don't want to be a pain in the arse but you have just told everybody on this sight , (KIDS SOME OF THEM)that it is OK to Carrie out MINOR OPERATIONS on their own animals.

TO DO THIS YOU NEED A LICENSE.If (for no other reason)it goes wrong and in the end they take the fert to the vet

well, i hate to think what might happen. Please take your sick fert to a Vet dont butcher it yourself :doh: :doh:

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i would never have done anything major myself but i felt confident to do this,after all it would only have been a slight nick in the skin.(no different to stitching a terrier/lurcher really) but i do see where you're coming from. :thumbs:

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pet owners have been working on their own animals for years para, and as far as Im aware, you don't need a license, yes if you were charging and doing it to other peoples, but not your own

most youngsters, if they have the confidence to do this, then why not, theres always going to be, those that have the means/money etc to rush to a vets at the first sign of trouble, but what if someone has'ent got the money for a vet, much better if they can releave the sympton, rather than let the animal suffer, its not like were talking open heart surgery here

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pet owners have been working on their own animals for years para, and as far as Im aware, you don't need a license, yes if you were charging and doing it to other peoples, but not your own

most youngsters, if they have the confidence to do this, then why not, theres always going to be, those that have the means/money etc to rush to a vets at the first sign of trouble, but what if someone has'ent got the money for a vet, much better if they can releave the sympton, rather than let the animal suffer, its not like were talking open heart surgery here


I know what your saying mate i've don it ,do it , dock tails. But its not something you tell kids or fecking anties And it is against the law.

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fech the law mate if i worried about the law i wouldnt leave the farm i stay on , the minute i leave the house its lets se whats on offer , got a stapler for stitches , vacinaitions for pups penicillin for bites worm tablets for dogs , docked tails at one time etc , bandages super glue for skin , i have little time for vets unless nessasary .the only thing oi donrt like is hunanely killing my own stock all the best

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fech the law mate if i worried about the law i wouldnt leave the farm i stay on , the minute i leave the house its lets se whats on offer , got a stapler for stitches , vacinaitions for pups penicillin for bites worm tablets for dogs , docked tails at one time etc , bandages super glue for skin , i have little time for vets unless nessasary .the only thing oi donrt like is hunanely killing my own stock all the best


There is nobody that hates and fecks the law more than i do mate but as adults we have to be careful of what we tell kids. If you all can't see that well what can i do :thumbdown:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
DITCH i don't want to be a pain in the arse but you have just told everybody on this sight , (KIDS SOME OF THEM)that it is OK to Carrie out MINOR OPERATIONS on their own animals.

TO DO THIS YOU NEED A LICENSE.If (for no other reason)it goes wrong and in the end they take the fert to the vet

well, i hate to think what might happen. Please take your sick fert to a Vet dont butcher it yourself :doh: :doh:



Settle down, P1. We had a bloke went off like that on another site. He used to shout too. Now he just dribbles. Since he had a stroke.


Yes. I am telling people it's fine to do as I described above. 'Butchery'? :rolleyes: Now please bring us a link to the Statute where it says it needs a licence to do as I suggested. Thankyou.


As for 'telling kids'? Sure. Why not? If a 'kid' isn't responsible enough to handle a scalpel blade, what's he doing handling an animal with a mouthful of equivellent cuttlery? With what should these kids paunch their catches? Plastic scissors? I was a 'kid' myself when I learned how to take care of animals with such conditions.



Now, come on P1; Where's that Statute? You're 'telling kids' they Must run to the vet. Now they'll be wanting further education from you as to which law states they must. I'm always willing to learn something new myself too.

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Classic sites for abcesses are top of the head, under the chin, side of the face & sometimes base of the tail, if the vet had lanced the abcess you would have probably had to go in the following day & re open it anyway, so if thats the case a sterilised scalpel would have been needed .


Rather than pick away at it with your fingers, thats the best option & it was what i was told to do by my vet last time i took a ferret with an abcess, once the puss was removed by flushing with a saline solution


Naturally theres a need to see a vet on occasions & people arnt being told to go operate on there ferrets , but i think an abcess thats in this case ready to burst wouldnt have taken more than a quick small nick & it would have releaved the pressure & basically job done

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DITCH i don't want to be a pain in the arse but you have just told everybody on this sight , (KIDS SOME OF THEM)that it is OK to Carrie out MINOR OPERATIONS on their own animals.

TO DO THIS YOU NEED A LICENSE.If (for no other reason)it goes wrong and in the end they take the fert to the vet

well, i hate to think what might happen. Please take your sick fert to a Vet dont butcher it yourself :doh: :doh:



Settle down, P1. We had a bloke went off like that on another site. He used to shout too. Now he just dribbles. Since he had a stroke.


Yes. I am telling people it's fine to do as I described above. 'Butchery'? :rolleyes: Now please bring us a link to the Statute where it says it needs a licence to do as I suggested. Thankyou.


As for 'telling kids'? Sure. Why not? If a 'kid' isn't responsible enough to handle a scalpel blade, what's he doing handling an animal with a mouthful of equivellent cuttlery? With what should these kids paunch their catches? Plastic scissors? I was a 'kid' myself when I learned how to take care of animals with such conditions.



Now, come on P1; Where's that Statute? You're 'telling kids' they Must run to the vet. Now they'll be wanting further education from you as to which law states they must. I'm always willing to learn something new myself too.


Ok mate "to each his own"

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  • 1 month later...

An old thread i know but i have found the same on a little 3 legged hob i have,a large swelling under his chin.It is not affecting his breathing or feeding and is still quite hard,what antibiotics are used while waiting for it to soften and can i use dog antibiotics in smaller doses?,don't slate me on this i want the best but can't afford being ripped by the vets.If i can use dog antibiotics which one would be best?,would Rimadyl help as it's a anti inflamitry as well so could help with the swelling or would say synulux or clavet with amoxicillin in it be better?.This lttle bugger hasn't had the best of starts in life as i had to take him of his mum early and rear him with a lot of care,he has 3 legs and has no tail either,the runt of a mates litter and i just felt sorry for him.Hope someone can help as he is my favourite for sure.

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If you're using Synulux 12mg twice times a day is the usual dose. I prefer to use Synulux as it is tasteless and easy to get the ferret to drink milk with the crushed tab' in it. Do the usual bathing and check over of the ferret looking for wounds etc.

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If you're using Synulux 12mg twice times a day is the usual dose. I prefer to use Synulux as it is tasteless and easy to get the ferret to drink milk with the crushed tab' in it. Do the usual bathing and check over of the ferret looking for wounds etc.


Last time i had antibiotics they prescribed bloody Baytrill , god its a work off art trying to get that stuff down them :laugh:

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:laugh: ...Unless I'm mistaken Baytrill is a little on the bitter side!...Taste some and see for yourself. It's always good to vary AB's if your animal has to take them often for obvious reasons but ferrets present an administering problem.. :laugh:
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