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lump on neck

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just noticed a large lump under the neck of one of my jills.just behind her chin.its quite large but she doesnt appear to be in pain i mated her the othe day(have now seperated them)i thought it might be from where the hob had held her but its under the neck and there are no scratches,teeth marks or even reddening.any ideas?

Edited by pitindall1978
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her teeth and mouth/throat all look fine. looks like its vets tomorrow then..... the lump has appearead literally overnight! i dont think she's been eating well today either. :hmm: i really hope its nothing too bad... :cry:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Bit late getting in here, but yeppers, I'd say it's an abcess. I'd also say that it was, in fact, due to a bit of rough and tumble. Thing ye need to realise is that, if Dog A bites Dog B on point C of B's body? Dog B ('B' for bitten) will actually throw an abcess on point W!


Applying that to ferrets? Hob bites her on the scruff of the neck? Bingo! Last place ye'd expect an abcess to present. Under the throat is a classic spot.


Treatment? Leave well enough alone - as long as it isn't interfering with the airway. Which it shouldn't. Wait till it feels more pliable than hard. While it's still hard, ye can open it and just find a yellow golf ball. No good to anyone. Softens up? Shave it.


Having shaved it, wash it (and ye hands) in liquid antisceptic; Surgical Spirit, what ever. Then take an unopened scalpel blade - from Boots - and just deftly stroke it with that. O M F G! Just Look at that shit!!! :icon_eek: :sick:


Now take a syringe of warm, salted water and flush that f*cker out. Flush it three or four times a day. If it reseals over night? Re open it with a fresh blade (They come in packs of five). Keep the once opened foil pack in the fridge. Less chance of bacterial adheasion and growth. Re open it till it stops filling. Job done.


How's that sound? Can ye relate that to your situation?

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Good point there Ditch, may have had a rough and tumble especially this time of year. Check for any external wounds, only needs a small puncture to push some hair or foreign body into the wound. Absess's are/can be a bugger to clear up and ferrets are prone to them. must be all the scraps they get into whilst in a stinking filthy rabbit/rat hole.

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ditch,i wish you lived next door to me! :laugh: yeah,that does relate to this situation,its hard now but feels movable. its not affecting her airways,she seems fine in herself(if a little off her food) will follow your instructions. so,you think if i do as you say,a visit to the robbers in white coats wont be needed??

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ditch,i wish you lived next door to me! :laugh: yeah,that does relate to this situation,its hard now but feels movable. its not affecting her airways,she seems fine in herself(if a little off her food) will follow your instructions. so,you think if i do as you say,a visit to the robbers in white coats wont be needed??


To be fair what Ditchy said to do is only what the vet would do anyway & it will cost you an arm & a leg i think if your confident enough to do it, then go for it :thumbs:

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really? cos when i wrote that reply,i was worried that you would be the one telling me not to be tight and get it to the vets! :laugh: no offence intended!


Well i know this because i did take a ferret to the vets & thats exactly what he did, flushed it with a saline solution & told me to keep the entry wound open, so there :tongue2::laugh:


No joking apart if you can do it or have the stomach to do it then i would

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yeah,i think i can manage to do that! i honestly spent a restless night worrying about her so anything i can do for her i will! :yes:


Luckly i havent had to take anything to the vets apart from the jill last year with the dead inside her ,for a longtime at one time i would have taken any of my animals to the vets for the slightest thing

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well,went to do the deed tonight...was all tooled up and ready for the operation... :laugh: . opened the hutch......ferrets there with no lump!! i think its actually burst on its own!either that or she's scratched it til it burst! its back to almost normal apart from a small 3mm hole which i cleaned well with salt water(was a bit pussy but not much.). fingers crossed it doesnt come back again! :victory:

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