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Come on gurlies you're starting to sound like them 'ferret huggers' on the rescue forums.. :laugh: . Ferretingkid, if you're happy with the way she worked last season and can place some kits then go ahead and have a litter. If you are not sure how committed your mates are about having your kits take a small deposit from them. Remember ferrets are best kept in the company of other ferrets, a life in solitary is really miserable for most ferrets and they can pine away. If you think you can't get rid of all the kits to proper homes then cull in the first couple of days. Good luck :thumbs:

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I cant see the point of culling healthy ferrets :thumbdown:


the guy has asked questions and got some good answers, lets not go down the route of telling him, not to breed, anyone who keeps ferrets either as workers or pets, normally wants to give breeding a go, seems he has a better set up than alot on here, that only have one cage/hutch, he say's he'll keep a couple, well Im sure that number will double once kitts are in the cages, I started with 2 jills, bred them with the intention of keeping two, I now have nine, Im breeding 2 to 3 more this year, the others going with my snipped hobs, I expect to end up with around the 20 mark, as I ferret most weekends, and normally 8 to 9 ferts get used, It makes sense to have more rather than not enough


go for it ferretingkid :thumbs:

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Im also breeding one of my jills this season :yes: Im prepared to keep them all as my set up is now big enough - if someone wants a hob kit (Providing there is one) then I will be more than happy to help out. Im hoping to keep one hob though and have him vasectomised. I've got the breeding hutch ready in the ferret court and have put money aside for any unexpected vets bills and all the extra food they will eat.

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I cant see the point of culling healthy ferrets :thumbdown:



If there is a glut of ferrets on/in the local market then it would probably be the best route to take. Never had to cull kits myself, always had people come from far and wide for my stock :yes:

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thanks for the quick replies, i want to breed from her because she is a cracking ferret, small ,doesnt lie up too often and is really sweet natured and im really attached to her :icon_redface: , i have 2 spare hutches and own 2 hobs and have chosen one that i would like to breed her with, i would get her the jab but i bought her over a year ago and she will be about 4/5 and would like to get some kits from her before its too late, i will be keeping approx 2, and have mates interested in some.



Why dont you get 1 off the hobs vasectomised

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