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your biggest regrets

Guest gaia

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So have you passed up the chance to do something great and later regreted it?


I have a chance to go traveling with my best friend but I am uming and arring about it.

It's the other way round with me! My regrets are that I done the things I really should have passed on........ :laugh:

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Do it! or not............i had been to london, sorted my flight plan out for my round the world trip but was waiting 3 weeks to save £300 in an offer, had order number and everything and while doing so I found gamekeeping, thats was 4 years ago, i have a dog and will never be without one hopefully a job soon that will all add to it never happening for me...........do i regret it




Because I have a dog, hopefully a good job soon, i love what i do and to be honest i'd miss my lamping if i went travelling!!!


Travelling is a great experience i'm one of the few of my friends who haven't, some are better for it, some are worse for it!!


Travelling is what people do when they don't know what to do!!!

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Guest ripstop
So have you passed up the chance to do something great and later regreted it?


I have a chance to go traveling with my best friend but I am uming and arring about it.


not one single regret in my life, apart from not following the rest of the family by getting in to keeping. had a job lined up, keeping a small shoot, cottage and small van. but who knows where id be now if id took it, well happy with my current situation, dogs to work ferrets to work, not much money, but who gives a flying f**k. got enough to get by and to keep my dogs in good nick, i am very content you could say. i dont think money could buy hapiness, im doing what i was bred to do and thats


HUNT HUNT HUNT :boogie::boogie::boogie::boogie::boogie::boogie::boogie::boogie::boogie:

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So have you passed up the chance to do something great and later regreted it?


I have a chance to go traveling with my best friend but I am uming and arring about it.

It's the other way round with me! My regrets are that I done the things I really should have passed on........ :laugh:




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There's a few great oportunities that i passed up on but i don't regret any of them...sure things would have been different if i had have done them but who's to say it would have been better....im happy with my lot and there's no point thinking about what might have been....but if its something that you want to do don't be afraid to give it a go....whats the worst that can happen??? You can always go back to how things were if you have a change of heart :victory:

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So have you passed up the chance to do something great and later regreted it?


I have a chance to go traveling with my best friend but I am uming and arring about it.

It's the other way round with me! My regrets are that I done the things I really should have passed on........ :laugh:




....and no AG, one of them wasn't buying the Crosman ratcatcher, before you start! :laugh::drink:

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I'd say if you have enough saved to see you on the trip of a lifetime and have no commitment's then go for it.

just as long as your heading to somewhere safe. at the minute travel is a nightmare in some countries.

i'll miss you :icon_redface::laugh:

seriously have enough in reserve to get you home if you change your mind about anything.......

and remember good times come and go but memories last forever........ :thumbs:

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done all the mad things you do then settled down and had kids.they are my pride and joy and love every single minute i spend out with the mrs and kids.have great holidays in the motorhome in lovely rural places and spend all winter following hounds with the kids.work long hours in a factory which i hate but it keeps us going.dont worry about money as long as the bills are paid i dont give a f**k.so no ,i have no regrets . :clapper: adore my dogs as well so why have regrets.

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Guest little_lloyd

Going to france summer gone resulting in what where described as two cracking meets with the minkhounds :laugh:


Sounds Stupid but i disike going anywhere out of my area that i consider The Uk and Eire,, But summer mink hunting with hounds i really can not miss for the world lol

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Guest ripstop

you wanna see the lasses in my safeway(now morrisons)

the checkouts are definately the best place to find the best ones :clapper: definately no regrets in going shopping :thumbs:

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I went backpacking around Oz for 12 months when I was 21. I went out with a bunch of friends, but after 3-4 months we all went our separate ways. I don't know anyone who has travelled with a friend, even a best friend and stayed on travelling with them. Just be prepared that you might need to 'go it alone' at some point in your travels. But christ, that's when it starts to get fun! :drink:

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