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2 Quick Questions

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  SharpShooter14 said:
When hunting rabbits in the morning, at what time do you get to your shoot?




Say one rabbit comes out on its own and you shoot it, how long before others come out/if you shoot, miss and it runs away, how long before it comes back out?


Thanks a lot guys

hi sharpshooter

best to let a few come out then pick them of. regards of time early morning . before it comes back again can vary 10 minutes 1 hour or longer ? . i was out late today got there about 7.00 left at 1.30 and bagged 10 hope this helps



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  SharpShooter14 said:
When hunting rabbits in the morning, at what time do you get to your shoot?




Say one rabbit comes out on its own and you shoot it, how long before others come out/if you shoot, miss and it runs away, how long before it comes back out?


Thanks alot guys

So I take it your wanting to sit out and shoot the bunnies as they leave the burry/cover with a silinced .22 or air rifle? Ive found that rabbits have different habits in different areas, some of my work is near built up areas and the rabbits here are out all day and are quite used to people with dogs passing all day. Here I pick a nice comfortable spot and I'll sit out and shoot many, as there just so tame. They may dive back into a hole when a comrade is shot close by but they will be back out in minutes or even seconds. However on other wilder parts its a totally different ball game and a well concealled hiding place is essential. If a rabbit is spooked, say, up on the crags here, I might as well move on as it might not re-surface untill nightfall. You may lie somewhere in between, the best thing to do is just pick a large well populated burry for the stakeout and give it a try at dawn or near dusk. Also a sunny spring day will get them out. Hope this helps :thumbs:

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On my land i normally get up there for first light 4am ish depending where i shoot when up there.Some areas i stalk,some i sit & wait for them sunning themselves.I have shot rabbits side by side if your using a multi shot pcp there a lot quieter & quicker than a springer however it depends on how YOUR quarry behaves on YOUR shoot,good fieldcraft,understanding of your quarries habits & shoot will give you results...

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