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James i'm also a leftie, and shoot right handed weapon's all my life. i just use a rifle with a straight comb. As for the shottie i'm left eye dominent, and just purchased a semi auto browning and switched the safety to suit for the left hand which was very easy to do.... i wouldn't trade this gun for the world. :thumbs:

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I also use a Browning semi-auto. Don't you find a right handed bolt a pain? I also have a left hand CZ 452 .22lr.


never had a problem with the bolt to be honest, its all i know, So am accustomed to shooting righthanded weapons now. Being shooting them for years. i only had the issue with the safety on the shotgun. :thumbs:

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T8 or predator 8? Your thoughts please ladies and gentlemen......

I am told that the T8 is the quieter, but the Predator can be taken apart for cleaning. Price wise there is only about £15 difference.


we have one of each there is no great noticable difference in either as far as the sound goes, but the predator can be stripped for cleaning

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