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Dwain Chambers

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i totally agree , bill , but wee forgetting something here , the uk , olympic hero , linford christie was also , a f*****g drug cheat , the only cleen sprinter weve had that was any good , was ALAN WELLS

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Lets pull no punches...steroids WILL give an athlete an edge over his competition....but ONLY if nobody else in the race is taking them !...look back to ben johnsons freakishly quick win in the 88 ? olympics...my bet is not many of the other athletes were taking......

Dwain chambers certainly wasnt head and shoulders above the others when he got caught....maybe he just wasnt as great an athlete by nature,but my bet is that the top races he had the other 7 sprinters were all doing the same so it evens out....

you only need look at the body of top sprinters today compared to the 70,s or 80,s...ben johnsons body when he got caught in the 80,s would fit straight in with todays sprinters,but not many others.

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