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lamping last night

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i had another look with the lamp last night as the wind was up .the first field produced a good run for fly which she picked up on the run ,her next run was also a very good run on a big rabbit with alot of turning ,striking and missing but it couldnt get into the hedge as fly preasured and then bowled it over on some plough.the ground was solid and im surprised she didnt do any damage to her feet .she had a few more runs on one more bigger rabbit but failed to keep hold of it as she thumbled and lost it through a hedge.she had another three runs on rabbits which i thought she would of nailed but again thumbled yet another which made it to the safety of a hedge and couldnt connect with her strike on the other two.on the way back home she added another two bunnys to the bag.well i enjoyed the night ,all the rabbits were retrieved so im over the moon.got a phone call of my dad and he had taken fern out for a quick spin and caught two with her .only the pic of flys catch .





good hunting



Edited by REW
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MINNIE fly caught her first rabbit unintended when she was 25 weeks old whilst out walking the dogs.we started taking them out for a couple of runs on the lamp when they were between 7 and 8 months of age .thanks again everyone


good hunting



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