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Who's fault is it ???

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some good posts ok its law now how many off yous are prepared too go to jail joking aside now think real hard about it ???????????????? i for one dont give a monkeys feck about the law only prop with jail is they might get seek and destroy order on my animails ????????????????????? its happened down south sometime ago by the time it got too court dogs where p t s by the courts b****rds


same level of crime as flytipping.... pay the fecking fine... :blink:



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some good posts ok its law now how many off yous are prepared too go to jail joking aside now think real hard about it ???????????????? i for one dont give a monkeys feck about the law only prop with jail is they might get seek and destroy order on my animails ????????????????????? its happened down south sometime ago by the time it got too court dogs where p t s by the courts b****rds


same level of crime as flytipping.... pay the fecking fine... :blink:



bbc news

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Tony hasn't been done, it's been adjourned. I don't know why though.

the ban on hunting was just a slow strangulaition to our rights ,first time i met an anti winter 82 thumbing a lift home carrrying rabbs and ferrets ,they were vegans from the hippy days they said we woudnlt have gave you alift if we new you were killing etc i says feck off, another time down the beach a guy with a family treid to kill the ferrets and dogs, as we were murderers over twenty years ago, thats when we should have made laws so we can grace the feild with dogs and what ever for as long as we want ,were i stay running dogs has always been a second class sport surrounded by pheasants grouse roe stalking fox hunting,lurchers have always been the poor mans sport ,were realy its a great buzz if you like the chase , ive had lots of hunters greenhorns who havent killed but they all come back saying its less dangerous than guns and more sporting , localy they put shit in the newspaper about illlegal coursing its time some one put something in about how lamping with hi powerd rifles can be more dangerous than any fecking lurchers how many lurchers etc have killed humansetc but how many humans have been killed with guns etc lurchers are great sport good pets the majority are, illl say no more as i feching cant be bothered just hunt until it gets that hot its passed a joke all the best

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  • 1 month later...

f*****g big top nosh people like toni blair who no feck all about hunting ..........People like tony blair just sit in their offices all day n get their balls rubbed ......WANKERS




At the end of the day who cares if they *** it any we wont stopp fighting for our sport......And we certainly wont stop doin our sport :realmad:

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The media got hunting banned.Rags like the sun and the mirror now rule the country.The idiots in the labour party just follow what ever is printed because they think if it is in the papers "thats what the public want".To me hunting withh hounds is the best sport in the world,i try to hunt 2-3 times a week,and have met all of my best mates through hunting.I have hunted and socalised with the so called "toffs" and never once been made to feel anything else but very welcome.Carry on hunting.jessdale :D


they think more of a dog than do children these days it stinks :realmad:

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Hi new to the site&this is my first post so itl probably read like a load of cobblers!!!!!!!this is a top thread on a top site,i personally believe the *** came about through many things ignorance&money being the predominant reasons.Ignorance on a grand scale from joe blogs which was partly our (hunting folk) fault for not realising sooner that we were under serious threat from blair&the rest of the tossers-we should have done more to educate where&when we could,the bill was brought about by the enourmous donations given by the "animal welfare?????"lobby to the labour party-they dont pay out millions for f***k all!!!people like foster,banks RIP,kaufman etc jump on the band wagon to make a name for themselves-just enables them to get their few minutes of fame.The *** served many purposes to them-votes,more ££ from the bunny huggers,an ideal opportunity to put old conservatism in its place.The CA IMO caved in, after all Richard Burge is a f*****g labourite himself,i gave up on the ca after travelling 6hours to brighton for the labour party conference only to be told to go home! after being there for only 2 hours-We had the buggers at bay&what did we do?go home for f*****g tea&scones!! in France theyd have burnt it down.After all that ranting&hindsight is a wonderful thing we seem to be carrying on fairly well at the moment though-how does everyone else see the future going?does anyone believe we'll see things return to pre ***??

the chimp


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