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Guest oldskool

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Guest oldskool

the bro has this new net gear wireless thingy majiggy wired up to the computer and i paid extra to virgin to upgrade the line from 2 to 6mb... at least i think thats what i done... its running now as slow as feck and a few have said netgear is shite... what is a good one????

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im on aol and i rang them up teling them i was geting a laptop and wanted wireles and the conection was slow and they took the price ov broadband my mum was paying down to £9.99 for 6month then £15.00 after and sent wireles in post and it come today atb flinty

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Guest oldskool

i dont know SP but when i put back the old box its great... the bro as a computer in his room and wanted the wireless so he can use the internet at the same time but this netgear doesnt seem to be doin the trick

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Guest oldskool

even to write a reply on here results in me havin to refresh a whole lot of times... sometimes it takes off and everything is at full speed but then all turns to crap and the screen is stuck...

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Sounds to me like it is more something to do with your Internet Service Provider than the actual wireless hardware (netgear) - unless it is faulty? Have you just bought it, if so you could take it back and tell them it doesnt seem to be working properly and ask for an exchange?

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I've never even heard of " NetGear ". But, since ye asking after good ones of that type? I'd just say that I have a Vodafone wireless modem on here. Dinky little thing on a short USB cable. Stick it in. It fires itself up and away we go. 'Always On' and costs me 50 Euro's a month.


BUT; It's running at a constant 236.8 kbs. No more You Tube. Pictures on Posts sicken me. I can't realisticly hope to Down Load anything above a MB :( And that was Before this Lap Top went tits up on me. Even with a soopa doopa new machine, no reason why my signal strength should improve. And I can see their transmittor mast out my window at night.


So there's a look at one of the oppossitions. People are saying nice things about O2 now. But that too has certain limitations, I understand.

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Ive got wanadoo braodband (orange) Ive just switched to their wireless, because I was going to change to talk talk, and they threw all sorts to keep me. Ive only one computer, but the laddy plays all the time on his xbox live, and Ive noticed no slowing down or anything. :thumbs:

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Im on a livebox,and have 2 pc's and a laptop running off it no probs.Niece bought a netgear router from PC World in december,didn't work,swapped for another which worked but very slowly,ended up getting cash back and buying a second hand BT Voyager router off ebay for £15,it has worked faultlessly since,and even came with the wireless adaptor.As for talk talk broadband,well the talk talk bit must be there irate customers phoning to complain constantly as its shite. :thumbs:

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