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Ferreting Today

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Me and Tomo had a look out ferreting today the wind never stopped blowing and was canny cold first thing the wind made hearing what was going on underground harder to follow .the first warren was a taste of what was to come all day some of the rabbits reluctant to bolt so the spade was out a fair bit .It looked like some warrens had been ferreted as there was holes that had been back filled .Tomo left the nets off one warren and Tara ran the rabbits and made some good catches one of Tomo's ferrets got some bad bites off something that wouldn't bolt could of been a rat or a stoat we had a canny day but the wind spoilt it a bit.

Got about 5 out of this rock pile





another dig




a stoat had been feeding on this one





Edited by Nobby
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ye the rabbit jobs always come in march on wards nettles cover starts getting up and well, ive got other work to take care of and fishing, had farmers chapping the door recently word gets round when you have handy jukels and ferrets couldnt walk my permiss now but havieg to train hopefull understudies ahah and breed some more rabbit dogs come whatever this season, the dales remember me of pparts of theborders of scotland

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