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Pigeon shooting

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Im going to start pigeon shooting this week and im looking for a few pointers. Ive got a dozen shells and 1 full bodied decoy. I know you should face them into the wind but anything else will help. Links to previous topics are also appreciated as im pretty sure this has been asked before. cheers.

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if you'ed asked at the start of february you could of had a couple of weekends out with my son and i roost shooting, as for tips make sure your hide can't be seen through(pigeon's view),try to use a rotary (away from main pattern) take plenty of cartridges, watch the field's see where the pigeon's are going ,good look :gunsmilie:

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if you'ed asked at the start of february you could of had a couple of weekends out with my son and i roost shooting, as for tips make sure your hide can't be seen through(pigeon's view),try to use a rotary (away from main pattern) take plenty of cartridges, watch the field's see where the pigeon's are going ,good look :gunsmilie:

Thanks mate. All taken on board. We will have to have a look out one day bud.

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Try to position your hide with your back to the wind where possible, this means you can have the deeks facing you.

If you set them out in a rough U or V shape, the incomming pigeons will have a clear place to land at the point or front edge of your pattern. This way you can drop pigeons in the same "Kill" area most of the time, which helps when picking up later.



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Cheers rolfe. Im under the impression that they land into the wind, so they would be facing you as they land - is that right? Also how far away do you usually plant your deeks from your hide?

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Cheers rolfe. Im under the impression that they land into the wind, so they would be facing you as they land - is that right? Also how far away do you usually plant your deeks from your hide?

Yes pigeons always land into the wind........hence with the wind at your back the birds are comming front on into your pattern. Most shots can then be taken straight in front of you above the decoy pattern. It's not always possible to get the wind at your back though, so sometimes you have to set up the decoys to the left or right of your hide and to shoot them as crossers.

My nearest decoys i set about 25 yrds out and then the furthest no more than about 40 yrds.......this can vary though depending on the wind direction. Most shots will be taken around the 30 yrd mark. If you have the decoys too far out and the pigeons try to land at the back of the pattern........they will be nearly out of effective range....so try to keep the decoys at a sensible range.



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Hi ,


Here are some of the PDF's that I use to teach the Germans about Pigeon shooting, hope you can see them :victory: .


you always have to try to get the wind behind you, then the birds will come straight at you if you can also get the sun behind you then all the better :clapper: .


you would be better off if you bought a net that was at least 6m long and about 1.6-1.8 Meters high then you can adjust the net to any situation that you will come accross and 5 poles you can see in the 2nd PDF how I set it up the green flap is roof over hide bit or protection against the sun and wind.


Hope that helps ya :toast:





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