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Yes! Details man, we want details ;) What gun, ranges, any bit of a story to go along with a great pic :) Well done by the way :yes:



I only know its a rimfire mate :icon_redface: ranges from 25 to 75 yards :)


We covered a couple of hundred acres that night, mixture of grass,rape, wheat and barley fields.


We use one off these machines (estates vehicle )




no a bad bit off kit really, it has a roof and a heater! the front window opens completly with makes it perfect for hunting :victory:


We saw 3 deer 3 times lol would have taken one maybe, if we had a .243 or similar rifle with us :clapper:



Bumped into one off the game keepers who was out with a couple of mates lamping the ginger fellas :gunsmilie:

(bumped into him in morrisons today! Saturday, they didnt get any ;) )


Also got 4 hares which werent pictured as im not 100% sure if we can shoot them? :hmm:



On another subject, we were out with the air rifles last night and shot 16 on a different piece of ground, and had a fox only 25 ft away from the landrover! Could have got him with a rimfire or .243 lol! O well :clapper:

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