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twat anti vidio

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Guest guevara

I do get told that alot, mainly from my dad.Sorry if i sound that way, no offence intended.I have been involved with shooting, mainly clays since i was 10.My friends dad owns a game farm and thats how i became intrestd in it all.AH good times.

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You lost 40 lambs?

They can actually be pretty stupid cant they, what did you do with the hounds?


Just short of 30 sheep aborted, we were going around for days picking them up in the field.

The Hunt managed to call the hounds back, and even offered to try and compensate us as best they could, we didn't make them as they are a small hunt, and it wasn't their fault anyway. Most anti's don't care for animals, they just want to cause trouble !

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Wow; just read the thread through!!! Chill out a tad Guevara..........thats a polite way of saying "wind your :censored: ing neck in a tad"........I've read and replied to a number of your posts on here since you joined; you seem to be asking lots of questions, good on you for showing interest and wanting to learn.


But you are coming across a bit like a 14yo caffene fueld kid, jumping from one place/idea/thought/question to the next, just relax a bit with the atitude. There are plenty on here with a wealth of experiance that will answer any questions you have, just don't jump down their throats, and you'll be fine.

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