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over forties only!

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It was this bird called Lindsey!! she was a real dog but would spend hours sniffing a licking my tackle :whistling::laugh: .


Seriously Byron!! a Black Lab Retreiver. he was never trainned perfect but did a half decent job for me unless their was any cattle around, he would then chase them and was a nightmare....



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It was this bird called Lindsey!! she was a real dog but would spend hours sniffing a licking my tackle :whistling::laugh: .


Seriously Byron!! a Black Lab Retreiver. he was never trainned perfect but did a half decent job for me unless their was any cattle around, he would then chase them and was a nightmare....



yeh but he catch em. :drink::drink:

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Springer Spaniel called Prince, never forget buying a take away on the way home after an all day session :thumbs: , couldn't eat it all, so gave it to him to eat.


Got up in the middle of the night and was violently ill :sick: :laugh: , went downstairs and he'd thrown up everywhere too :laugh: :laugh: :drink:

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I'm not over 40 but,

An English Springer named Max. The ex-girlfriend was in the kitchen one night, and she'd had her pet budgie out. I went to answer the door and forgot about the budgie! :doh: As I opened the door to go back in the room, Max slinked out passed me and gave me a very guilty look. You know the one, the look that says 'Christ! I'm in the sh*t!'

I went into the room to be greeted by a room full of white feathers, and found a very chewed up budgie behind the couch! I was only 17, and didn't realise that springers were dead keen on birds! Should of guessed really, seeing how springers have been bred for hundreds of years, solely for the purpose of springing birds from bushes!

I went into the kitchen with the same expression as the dog! :laugh:

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I'm nowhere near 40, but my first dog when I left home was a little jack russell called Missie. She was a right little cow at times but a sweeter terrier you couldn't wish to meet. I lost her last January. :cry:

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