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Badger Damage to Cage Trap

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Just thought some may like to see the result of a badger trying to remove a rabbit from a cage trap ;)

Old brock was certainly determined :laugh:



Hi Rolfe, I sympathise, I once made a ladder type crow trap and baited in the trap and all round with maize flaked barley bread and a couple of rabbits opened up. I went back a night or two later to take a look and it was literally wrecked. It was undermined and had about ten great big holes through the wire. Brock prints everywhere. I moved the trap, and the farmer put bullocks in the field. It ended up fixing a hole in the fence. ian. :(

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Just thought some may like to see the result of a badger trying to remove a rabbit from a cage trap ;)

Old brock was certainly determined :laugh:



Hi Rolfe, I sympathise, I once made a ladder type crow trap and baited in the trap and all round with maize flaked barley bread and a couple of rabbits opened up. I went back a night or two later to take a look and it was literally wrecked. It was undermined and had about ten great big holes through the wire. Brock prints everywhere. I moved the trap, and the farmer put bullocks in the field. It ended up fixing a hole in the fence. ian. :(

Hiya Ian,

They are certainly determined...........i once caught the same badger three times in one week when it forced itself through the door of a cage trap containing a rabbit.........the bugger used to sit there and wait for me to let it out in the morning........ :laugh::laugh::laugh:



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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Caught a mink on the steel girder over the Styx last year, Rolfe. Badgers got there first, naturally. Mink wasn't waiting anywhere for me when I came to find what was left of my Fenn Double Entry :censored:








Just look at the state of that spring and door lock! They'd had a go at the rear door too. Exactly the same 'pinches' as ye have there. Don't know it they're biting it or trying to pull it apart with their claws?

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Caught a mink on the steel girder over the Styx last year, Rolfe. Badgers got there first, naturally. Mink wasn't waiting anywhere for me when I came to find what was left of my Fenn Double Entry :censored:








Just look at the state of that spring and door lock! They'd had a go at the rear door too. Exactly the same 'pinches' as ye have there. Don't know it they're biting it or trying to pull it apart with their claws?

Definately biting Ditch.............i had a fenn double entry with a squirrel damaged the same as yours.........pair of pliers and some patience soon had it working again.

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jesus its like it got ran over by a car :icon_eek:



I sort of was; A stripey, armoured one! :laugh:

ditchy, you will need cages made from prison bars for those boys over beside you , for GODS sake don,t ever fall asleep along those ditches,

because those bog bears will devour you , mind and feed the chicks.

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Caught a mink on the steel girder over the Styx last year, Rolfe. Badgers got there first, naturally. Mink wasn't waiting anywhere for me when I came to find what was left of my Fenn Double Entry :censored:








Just look at the state of that spring and door lock! They'd had a go at the rear door too. Exactly the same 'pinches' as ye have there. Don't know it they're biting it or trying to pull it apart with their claws?

My they are rascals, you have to laugh. :D:D

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Caught a mink on the steel girder over the Styx last year, Rolfe. Badgers got there first, naturally. Mink wasn't waiting anywhere for me when I came to find what was left of my Fenn Double Entry :censored:








Just look at the state of that spring and door lock! They'd had a go at the rear door too. Exactly the same 'pinches' as ye have there. Don't know it they're biting it or trying to pull it apart with their claws?




Ditch i really enjoy your posts and replys and have no doubt that old brock was trying to get into the trap. You are usually very informative, descriptive and honest in your replys, but do



You honestly want us to belive there was a mink in there. :whistling:




Bet it was only after the bait. :D




Cheers Bob

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

B*stard! :tongue2: No; Actual fact of the matter is that the trap had been there a few days before that little debacle. The bait - a Wood Mouse, as I recall? - was suspended on a little loop of trace wire, just over the pan. They'd have just clamboured on top of the trap and smashed their way straight through the roof for that. As the pictures show though; Roof's perfect and untouched.


In fact, I have strong reasons to believe theres an active set just the other side of that bridge. (Yeah. Like, one of those strong reasons being that the f*cking place exists! Ipso facto; There's probably an active f*cking sett there! Bloody things really Are That thick on the ground here! Kick a football here and there's a fair to middling chance ye'll lose it down a sett, by default) But, anyway, I've tracked them crossing the girder.


So, it would appear, what happened there was they were either avoiding the bridge all together, afraid to get near the cage, till the mink appeared and proved just too much for them. Or else - for all I know - they may have been climbing right over the cage for a few days? I'd think the former though. And I agree; If they were walking over the cage? How could any self respecting badger Not have rammed a paw through and stole that mouse?


Now I come to think of it, ye know; I'm still yet to figure out some way of trapping that damn girder, without getting badgered. I think I'll go back to the Coni' in the Killgerm Cubbie. That worked before. Only, this time, I'll think to attatch a tying wire to both trap and cubbie. Last time I found the cubbie laying atop the duckweed and assumed someone had taken the trap and dumped the wire basket. Wasn't till weeks later that I spotted the newley surfaced floating bloater! :sick: I don't talk about that one though. There's Lots I don't talk about! 8)

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