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ACTION.....Duck hunting video.

Guest guevara

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Awesome?? I thought it was total crap. They were shooting birds just as they were landing right in front of the hides, and having a good laugh about it. One was hit at least 5 times. Most of the shot birds were so hard hit they were pet food. Respect for your quarry?? These twats don't have any. This is just the sort of video the anti's love.

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Guest guevara

Its american so you kind of expect that.The only thing is all the best videos are made in America, because they have a bit of action in them instead of those stupid Hunters Videos,which most of them are crap especially when they are filiming in some place like holland, where they keep saying stupid things like"ahh a god hunt, now its time for the driven hunt", and they cost about £20 pound for about half and hour of hardly any hunting.

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;) well decent vid put the ducks dawn on the spot ducks thinkin their so good and thay are no probs for jeff foiles with that awsome auotomatic rifle


where can i find more of em????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Guest guevara

I hope they hate them all.Duck is very tasty and at least it is free range if you know what i mean, alot more get killed every minute at abbatoir than they did in a season.


I can post links to some more if you want.

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