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your views on jumping!

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i teach my dogs to jump, because of the size & weight of dogs i have, i cant be lifting 65pound of dog over each fence and gate, whilst carrying a lamp/battery and any quarry..


my pup, will be taught to jump, as i suspect he will reach 26/27" tts and about 60-70 pound

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took ages to get Gyp to jump anything , but once he started, he wouldn't stop!

he won't clear anything over 3 1/2 foot, but that's plenty high enough when we're out round here, and i don't want him figuring out he can clear our garden fences! he'd still rather find a hole in a hedge than jump the gate.

he occasionally tries to clear the 4 1/2 foot gate down at my field, but usually changes his mind halfway through the jump, turns, and broadsides it. strange dog. :blink:

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got to teach youngets bitchbto jump she lacks confidence even tho she jumps had some thta jumped der fences in pursuit of qaurry , if your daylight hunting jumping is a must at night well vets bills etc its a ahrd one got dogs who jump and one young one who can jump but not mad but i reckon if i jeed her up she would jump like hell but at nite you dont want it on bigger qaurry or rabbs etc

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Guest joe ox

A dog what does not follow its quarry over obstacles will miss a fare bit especially the bigger stuff night or day! Unless you only run where the fields are as big as a prairie.

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my pup will jump some obstacles but some he wont but when im out with another dog that can jump if he see's them jump something hes straight over behind...

but hes near a year old now and im going to try getting him jumping properly now a bit late i know but what can u do :thumbs:

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my pup will jump some obstacles but some he wont but when im out with another dog that can jump if he see's them jump something hes straight over behind...

but hes near a year old now and im going to try getting him jumping properly now a bit late i know but what can u do :thumbs:


I bought back a pure deerhound bitch at a year old, she couldnt jump, had her jumping five bar gates in 2 months, and ANYTHING after that..and, Ive never had a running dog that got injured through jumping.

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we've all had dogs kill out of the lamp but i don't want that all the time you'll just end up with a dog that hunts on or a dead or injured dog , one more in the bags not worth it, unless your talking land that divvied by sheep netting. JMO

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Both my lurchers jump well. But its a good idea to know whats at the other side of the wall. So knowing the ground your working is very important for me. Having said that years ago when i was just starting out someone gave me a bitch i had to lift over styles Idid nt have her long she was a really good looking dog too so finding her a pet home was easy. Now i m a lot older i could do with a dog that will lift ME OVER. :lol:

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well at nite fech jumping small feilds on rabbsetc my dogs are mad for deer so not a problem to get them to follow deer , but if youve hunted alot for to make cash and your in and out gate ways aquick shine you do not want the dog going three feilds out the lamp ive had it ,got dogs that do, but if i didnt no the law of the land a certainty to get captured , in daylight they must jump, localy, as well the hares are not going to stay in one feild , ive two dogs injured through wire this week imagine the same dogs at nite had more injuries through jumping than any other had dead dogs etc ,bad memories but its all part of the game , realy for poaching game ie veni hare if he doesnt catch it in the first feild were i stay then theyve hit the nearest wood , and if they go through woods scaring other game well not realy the best as all you want is a quick shine if hees in a killing position dogs or dog out, burl him down he goes then on to the next caught thousands of roe hares like that , and no wasteing time looking for dogs that have killed miles away been there done it and wore the tee shirt and still doing it ,ive still got a young bitch who goes through hell to catch her chosen qaurry , to me jumping at nite on game has its downfals im afraid i maybe see thirty roe on a nite im clever enough to no whats for killing etc and were , but you only lean that through years of hunting lamping all the best

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