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shocking chat to pigeon fanciers!

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Guest dog on
Pigeon Fanciers the world over will kill birds of prey by any means at their disposal. Always have, always will.


See, they like racing their pigeons. " Born to Fly! ". So the government steps in and makes a law which makes it Illegal to kill birds of prey? So what?! These guys are " Racers! ". Thus they consider themselves eligable for self elevation above the tawdry laws which may effect lesser mortals; " F*ck the Ban! ". They'll damn well kill birds of prey regardless of what stupid laws there may be. I've even seen them discussing their own - perfectly illegal - activities on their own fora. They pass around such tips as how to wipe out a Peregrinnes nest, " Pre Ban."


Now; Why don't we all just sit down and try to be a little less hypocritical?

whats the last sentence supposed to mean?

the funny thing is i didn't know this guy from adam and he's telling me how they wipe nests out? he'd been keeping pigeons for 40 years and was telling me about all the hard work that went into them so i could kind of see his point but i was still gobsmaked when he was telling me!

all i can say is thank f**k pigeon racing is a dying sport :angry:

ONLY PROBLEM is when it does die out it will take the 2 million pounds it donates to charity with it and leave a lot of old men and women with nothing to do exept sit and wait to die so they can leave behind this self centred world that most of them went to war and fought for so the likes of us can enjoy our persuits ///THINK ON//

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Guest dog on
How can you tell the difference when your out shooting them????


My mates said he has shot hundreds of racing pigeons, he used to ring the owners up for a laught aswell if they had the tag thingy.

I would hate to shoot someones racing pigeon, kind of like there pet.

Your mate sounds like a prick. :thumbdown:

nice reply /// WE CAN all judge people wrong even me this time .///

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Killing birds of prey for pigeons, now i have heard it all.

how about pigeons killing birds of prey? now thats a switch!


if a racing pidgeon gets caught by a peregrine it obviously wasn't fast enough and natural selection kicked in!

and isnt that the truth? maybe the racers would do well to have something to race against? :whistling: kinda the same stuff that shaped many animals.....

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Guest dog on
Next time I shoot a few racing pigeons for the ferrets, I'll have to check they havent got sticky backs

it will be nice when mink move into your area so when you go ferreting and mink start to kill your ferrets you will experence just what a problem some things can be

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Guest dog on
i am also a racing pigeon man, and although i except that birds of prey are to of the food chain,

what most pigeon blokes cant except, is that the rspb are introducing birds of prey into town centres

and creating alot of bad feeling, not to mention the song birds that also become prey.

i fully acept birds of prey in there natural, enviroment, there is nothing finer in the skys, but it is also

heart braking to see a pigeon that you have bred, and may have takens years to train knocked from the skys by a rspb {sponserd} raptor, maybe if they were releasing birds of prey on a rearing field there might be abit more simpathy?????.

now some on here might laugh and take the piss lol , but you all talk about game dogs etc,giving there all till the end? lines etc good and bad, well there are game pigeons and there are shite pigeons, the ones we all strive to breed, and we send them to long distance races, were not only do they have to find there way home, but avoid the fecking french shooters ,the hawks and falcons on the coast,and now also perigrines installed on city buildings too.

we have bloodlines we try to keep going etc,and there is no greater feeling than breeding a good one,wether that is terrier lurcher or pigeon,to see your bird arrive home after flying 14 hours or more

on the wing is a great feeling of pride and awe at how they give there all.

racing pigeons saved the lifes of many service men in both world wars and pigeons have also won more dicken medals than any other animal, now i also shoot a get asked to clear alot of feral pigeons

which are fed to my ferrets.

there will allways be the cases of secondary poisoning, weather thats by pigeon men , gamekeepers or farmers, all of which are regretable, some people are allowed to protect there stock {game} some are not {lambs}.



there are two sides to evey story :drink:

It annoys me so often on forums when people ignore the facts to justify their own views. The RSPB have NOT introduced or "Installed" any birds of prey in towns. Only ospreys and red kites have been introduced in some rural parts of the country and thats because they were nearly bloody extinct. The birds in high buildings in towns are nearly all Peregrines which have increased their numbers since the banning of DDT and other pesticides. another factoe in their success is FOOD more of it means more of them! No food and they start to die out GET THE PICTURE?. Go abroad to towns in the MED or even France and birds of prey in towns are the norm as are bloody pidgeons. finaly, before the victorians killed everthing off that was a threat to their pastimes we had Sea and Golden Eagles in England and Wales.! Rant over! ps if a racing pidgeon gets caught by a peregrine it obviously wasn't fast enough and natural selection kicked in!

just a note on natural selection eagle owls have started to make a come back in this country a lot of the plaices they live and nest are the same as peregrins only they kill other hawks and falcons that recide in the same vicinity when this starts happening what do you think will be the cry then //I WONDER// peregrins dont fly in the dark owels do.

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i am also a racing pigeon man, and although i except that birds of prey are to of the food chain,

what most pigeon blokes cant except, is that the rspb are introducing birds of prey into town centres

and creating alot of bad feeling, not to mention the song birds that also become prey.

i fully acept birds of prey in there natural, enviroment, there is nothing finer in the skys, but it is also

heart braking to see a pigeon that you have bred, and may have takens years to train knocked from the skys by a rspb {sponserd} raptor, maybe if they were releasing birds of prey on a rearing field there might be abit more simpathy?????.

now some on here might laugh and take the piss lol , but you all talk about game dogs etc,giving there all till the end? lines etc good and bad, well there are game pigeons and there are shite pigeons, the ones we all strive to breed, and we send them to long distance races, were not only do they have to find there way home, but avoid the fecking french shooters ,the hawks and falcons on the coast,and now also perigrines installed on city buildings too.

we have bloodlines we try to keep going etc,and there is no greater feeling than breeding a good one,wether that is terrier lurcher or pigeon,to see your bird arrive home after flying 14 hours or more

on the wing is a great feeling of pride and awe at how they give there all.

racing pigeons saved the lifes of many service men in both world wars and pigeons have also won more dicken medals than any other animal, now i also shoot a get asked to clear alot of feral pigeons

which are fed to my ferrets.

there will allways be the cases of secondary poisoning, weather thats by pigeon men , gamekeepers or farmers, all of which are regretable, some people are allowed to protect there stock {game} some are not {lambs}.



there are two sides to evey story :drink:

It annoys me so often on forums when people ignore the facts to justify their own views. The RSPB have NOT introduced or "Installed" any birds of prey in towns. Only ospreys and red kites have been introduced in some rural parts of the country and thats because they were nearly bloody extinct. The birds in high buildings in towns are nearly all Peregrines which have increased their numbers since the banning of DDT and other pesticides. another factoe in their success is FOOD more of it means more of them! No food and they start to die out GET THE PICTURE?. Go abroad to towns in the MED or even France and birds of prey in towns are the norm as are bloody pidgeons. finaly, before the victorians killed everthing off that was a threat to their pastimes we had Sea and Golden Eagles in England and Wales.! Rant over! ps if a racing pidgeon gets caught by a peregrine it obviously wasn't fast enough and natural selection kicked in!

just a note on natural selection eagle owls have started to make a come back in this country a lot of the plaices they live and nest are the same as peregrins only they kill other hawks and falcons that recide in the same vicinity when this starts happening what do you think will be the cry then //I WONDER// peregrins dont fly in the dark owels do.

Totally right there. There's a debate on whether the've came back on their own, or they have bred from released captive birds.

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Guest dog on
i am also a racing pigeon man, and although i except that birds of prey are to of the food chain,

what most pigeon blokes cant except, is that the rspb are introducing birds of prey into town centres

and creating alot of bad feeling, not to mention the song birds that also become prey.

i fully acept birds of prey in there natural, enviroment, there is nothing finer in the skys, but it is also

heart braking to see a pigeon that you have bred, and may have takens years to train knocked from the skys by a rspb {sponserd} raptor, maybe if they were releasing birds of prey on a rearing field there might be abit more simpathy?????.

now some on here might laugh and take the piss lol , but you all talk about game dogs etc,giving there all till the end? lines etc good and bad, well there are game pigeons and there are shite pigeons, the ones we all strive to breed, and we send them to long distance races, were not only do they have to find there way home, but avoid the fecking french shooters ,the hawks and falcons on the coast,and now also perigrines installed on city buildings too.

we have bloodlines we try to keep going etc,and there is no greater feeling than breeding a good one,wether that is terrier lurcher or pigeon,to see your bird arrive home after flying 14 hours or more

on the wing is a great feeling of pride and awe at how they give there all.

racing pigeons saved the lifes of many service men in both world wars and pigeons have also won more dicken medals than any other animal, now i also shoot a get asked to clear alot of feral pigeons

which are fed to my ferrets.

there will allways be the cases of secondary poisoning, weather thats by pigeon men , gamekeepers or farmers, all of which are regretable, some people are allowed to protect there stock {game} some are not {lambs}.



there are two sides to evey story :drink:

It annoys me so often on forums when people ignore the facts to justify their own views. The RSPB have NOT introduced or "Installed" any birds of prey in towns. Only ospreys and red kites have been introduced in some rural parts of the country and thats because they were nearly bloody extinct. The birds in high buildings in towns are nearly all Peregrines which have increased their numbers since the banning of DDT and other pesticides. another factoe in their success is FOOD more of it means more of them! No food and they start to die out GET THE PICTURE?. Go abroad to towns in the MED or even France and birds of prey in towns are the norm as are bloody pidgeons. finaly, before the victorians killed everthing off that was a threat to their pastimes we had Sea and Golden Eagles in England and Wales.! Rant over! ps if a racing pidgeon gets caught by a peregrine it obviously wasn't fast enough and natural selection kicked in!

just a note on natural selection eagle owls have started to make a come back in this country a lot of the plaices they live and nest are the same as peregrins only they kill other hawks and falcons that recide in the same vicinity when this starts happening what do you think will be the cry then //I WONDER// peregrins dont fly in the dark owels do.

Totally right there. There's a debate on whether the've came back on their own, or they have bred from released captive birds.

i think they will find that they flew over the channel from holland where they are realy making a mess of the hawks and falcons

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I watched a program about it a few months ago. They went over to holland, and seen the damage they can do to other birds of prey. Might actually do the pigeon racers a favour.

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The thing most of you seem to be missing is that pigeons to the racers are there stock that they have bred and trained, the spend just about every spare minuet of the day seven days a week loking after them and pumping a lot of money in to there sport, now if you let your dog of in lead in a field or let it out in your back garden and some big bird of pray swooped down and killed one of your dogs, befor you let any of your other dogs out wouldn't you think about doing some thing about this big bird or would you just open the door and take a chance with another dog, think hard about this befor you start to take the piss, these bird mean as much to pigeon fanciers has our dogs and ferrets and prids of prey do to us

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Guest dog on
The thing most of you seem to be missing is that pigeons to the racers are there stock that they have bred and trained, the spend just about every spare minuet of the day seven days a week loking after them and pumping a lot of money in to there sport, now if you let your dog of in lead in a field or let it out in your back garden and some big bird of pray swooped down and killed one of your dogs, befor you let any of your other dogs out wouldn't you think about doing some thing about this big bird or would you just open the door and take a chance with another dog, think hard about this befor you start to take the piss, these bird mean as much to pigeon fanciers has our dogs and ferrets and prids of prey do to us

spot on .this would have been my next quote but i was not sure if it would have been allowed because of all the censoring that has been going on latley did not like to mention hunting dogs with hawks :D:D:D

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my dad has got racing pigeons and he has lost about 10 this week to sparrowhawks thay will take them out in front of you and some of them are just killing them and leaveing them i think hes gitting piss of with them



Flying pigs use a similar method. doh!

Mavphil, Are you saying sparrowhawks don't take pigeons?

GOOD GRIEF! do I have to spell it out? Of course sparrowhawks take pigeons! what they dont do is kill for FUN. Their energy is precious, if they are sated they dont fly, any BOP keeper will tell you they have to be lean to fly. If they leave a kill its because they are have been disturbed by something (usually people or dogs/cats) ,. A pigeon is a good feed for a sparrowhawk and it would not need to feed for a good while after eating one. It is also wise to aware that people have a habit of exaggerating when there own interests ;) are at heart. ;)

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Im a bit wooried to go pigeon shooting now, in case i shoot some old blokes prized pigeonLOL Jack Duckworth from corination street.


Are racing pigeons white and would they be hanging around with normal wood pigeons.

as you say most people who go pigeon shooting go out to shoot wood pigeons and if any one cant tell the difference between the two shouldnt be allowed to own a gun let allowed to use it ,and also the rspb have installed false nest sites for peregrines [fact] and just look at the decline in song birds and say its natural balance if all pigeon men /women kept there pigeons in when the peregrines are breeding half of them would starve to death as they wouldnt find enough food to feed there young

i find that utter bullshite there "just look at the decline of song birds"! song birds get taken by aload of different prey, mainly cats!

there more pigeons in towns and cities to keep peregrines in food for a life time

the arsepca ought to do proper surveys of the natural balance

its the arsepca who are trying to ban any form of hunting including falconry


FALSE NEST SITES? and what does a false nest site look like? Pregrines will nest on a ledge of almost any high cliff, building, pylon etc. do they install artificial ledges? bollocks.

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my dad has got racing pigeons and he has lost about 10 this week to sparrowhawks thay will take them out in front of you and some of them are just killing them and leaveing them i think hes gitting piss of with them



Flying pigs use a similar method. doh!

Mavphil, Are you saying sparrowhawks don't take pigeons?

GOOD GRIEF! do I have to spell it out? Of course sparrowhawks take pigeons! what they dont do is kill for FUN. Their energy is precious, if they are sated they dont fly, any BOP keeper will tell you they have to be lean to fly. If they leave a kill its because they are have been disturbed by something (usually people or dogs/cats) ,. A pigeon is a good feed for a sparrowhawk and it would not need to feed for a good while after eating one. It is also wise to aware that people have a habit of exaggerating when there own interests ;) are at heart. ;)


point taken, but I personally know of a sparrowhawk that was getting into a loft and the ensuing panic and damage was quite something, it did this 3 mornings on the trot, I was called out and such was the carnage I was convinced it was a polecat, (we have a lot around here), I proofed the loft to keep out anything from the ground, but it kept happening. The chap would open his trap before setting off for work in the morning, when he came home at lunch time the pigeons were nervous wrecks, and usually a dead part eaten bird in the loft, I sat there on the one morning out of sight and was amazed to see a sparrowhawk come in and go straight through the trap and start to wreak havoc before I burst in and frightened it off. When I told the chap what it was he wanted to know what I could do about it, "nothing" says I. But could you really blame him if he did something about it, I would'nt.

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