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Lamping Tonight In the westcountry

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Well I waited of the windy weather but it didnt come.........Till I got home.

Took the dogs out all the same......Had a good few runs and some excellent retrieves from the youngster, and a few picky runs from the older dog.


On the second farm the older dog snapped his nail off, but we carried on a few more fields, and the pup bagged 13 in total, the older dog two.. Some mad runs, and one i thought would be horrendous when the pup crashed into a four strand barb wire fence when he struck, rabbit in mouth.... :o He came back empty mouthed, but i heard the conys dyng breaths in the hedge and the poor fecker had disembowled himself........ :unsure: The pup didnt have a scratch.....and was sent under the wire and retrieved it :thumbup: He then went on to catch two of one slip....he dropped the one he was bring back and my old dog was sent out while the youngun bagged another :drink_nl:

Well we started the season with a novice, it looks like at the end of the season hes starting to show a good appetite for knowing his job...I am very happy :thumbup:


Few pics..........PS Tomo, one fell of the carrier over the fields so missed the photo shoot.. ;)







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