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Hawthorn splinter

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Been out clearing brambles on our little shoot today, and even though I was wearing gloves I had a hawthorn spike go into, and leave the end of the spike in my finger. Right on the joint. Can hardly make out the entry hole but I'm sure there's something left in there!


Plenty of people on here must of had the same problem at some stage, especially ferretig and the like, so any helpful suggestions on getting what ever is in my finger, out of my finger would be gratefully recieved!!


Just tried the hand in the bowl of very very hot water for about 5 mins but no sign of owt extracting itself yet!



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I got one months ago in the very end of my finger just under the nail that caused pins and needles in my hand and pain in my arm pit like i'd been punched there. Normally thorns don't bother me and I get quite a few when i'm pruning the crataegus types (prunifolias are a touch bigger) but I could tell this one was special so I went to a&e where they anaesthetised my finger with a few jabs, cut the end open digging with a scalpel and crunched it a few times with forceps which was worse than any thorn :sick: .

The student doctor who saw me first was shocked that i'd had a bash and got it out with my trusty opinel, they didn't believe me when I said i'd got it all out and still proceeded to butcher me. I still haven't got proper feeling in my finger tip either.

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I got a thorn in my shin some years age could not get it out so trotted of to a little cottage hospital and nurse put some stuff/cream and a bandage on it and was told to take it off in a few days. When I did the fecker was there on the bandage the cream must have drawn it out.

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Guest baldie
  swampy said:
  baldie said:
Put a plaster over it, with some ordinary soap over the hole, it will draw it. Blackthorn usually goes septic, and comes out with the pus.



Shit, really? :o what about blackthorn? the soap and plaster has always worked ok for me?

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  Geoff.C said:
For drawing out splinters and thorns etc I always use a plaster with magnesium sulphate paste on it . Usually works ok, a jar of mag. sulph. is only a few pence at any chemist.



Would that be the stuff that they use at the hospital ?

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  sponser said:
Thanks for all your helpful reply's.


I'll try the magnesium sulphate paste first!!


A quick trip to Boots in the morning for me then!


Cheers all

try a syringe put the tip of the syringe over the hole where the black thorn went into your finger and push down firmly as you draw the plunger up do this a few times and 9 times out of 10 the thorn comes out hopes this is of some help BEARDY :hmm:

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I don't want to panic you mate buy i got a black thorn in my thumb about 5 months ago It has just cleared up.I've had many thorns over the years so treated this one with the usual contempt,magnesium sulphate paste over night. it got worse . The flesh started to grow out of the hole i had poked in it with pins and razer blades usual shit . In the end they had to amputate the growth .i'm not kidding mate this happened. If it won't clear up quickly get to a doctor.


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  para1 said:
I don't want to panic you mate buy i got a black thorn in my thumb about 5 months ago It has just cleared up.I've had many thorns over the years so treated this one with the usual contempt,magnesium sulphate paste over night. it got worse . The flesh started to grow out of the hole i had poked in it with pins and razer blades usual shit . In the end they had to amputate the growth .i'm not kidding mate this happened. If it won't clear up quickly get to a doctor.


another pic good luck


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Just let 'em bide,they'll come out on there own mate.Your body(they are very clever you know)will make a small amount of puss around it and then it will push itself out........never fails,even though it may take quite a long time sometimes. :thumbs: ........................Martin

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