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What mouse is this... Live traps a winner!

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I posted a week or so ago regarding some reall bad mouse traps that I bought, and on contacting the company, they sent me some free samples of a live trap, and two "instant kill" traps.

I put the live trap out last night and had a result this morning. Ditch thought by my description it was wood mice that we are getting coming in... The picture is a bit out of focus, but what do you think?........


P.S The kids are going to let him go in our copse later.... AWAY from the house!! :laugh:


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:laugh: THE BLOODY THING IS LAUGHING AT YOU :laugh::laugh:


lol more than likely!! But after the kids found the last mouse in the other trap with its face squashed still dragging the trap around!!... I opted for the softie method!! lol

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I posted a week or so ago regarding some reall bad mouse traps that I bought, and on contacting the company, they sent me some free samples of a live trap, and two "instant kill" traps.

I put the live trap out last night and had a result this morning. Ditch thought by my description it was wood mice that we are getting coming in... The picture is a bit out of focus, but what do you think?........


P.S The kids are going to let him go in our copse later.... AWAY from the house!! :laugh:

I don't believe it, you've caught a golden unicorn vole. I've been trying unsuccessfuly to catch one these last fifty years. I was told by a Shamen, that they could only be caught in a snare made from the braided eyelashes of a Rumanian virgin. I never successfuly found any, though I searched for ten long years. Eventually I gave up my search and came back to Britain, yet it was only when I dropped the virgin prerequisite that I managed to make a snare of sorts. I set it in 1961 and have checked it twice a day since without any luck. Perseverence is a must! Then this morning after the hundred mile round trip to check it again, I find this, you've caught one in a plastic, fu*k*n box. If I said I was crestfallen, it would be a teeny bit understated. Whats the Samaritans number, ARRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! :cry::cry::cry:

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I posted a week or so ago regarding some reall bad mouse traps that I bought, and on contacting the company, they sent me some free samples of a live trap, and two "instant kill" traps.

I put the live trap out last night and had a result this morning. Ditch thought by my description it was wood mice that we are getting coming in... The picture is a bit out of focus, but what do you think?........


P.S The kids are going to let him go in our copse later.... AWAY from the house!! :laugh:

I don't believe it, you've caught a golden unicorn vole. I've been trying unsuccessfuly to catch one these last fifty years. I was told by a Shamen, that they could only be caught in a snare made from the braided eyelashes of a Rumanian virgin. I never successfuly found any, though I searched for ten long years. Eventually I gave up my search and came back to Britain, yet it was only when I dropped the virgin prerequisite that I managed to make a snare of sorts. I set it in 1961 and have checked it twice a day since without any luck. Perseverence is a must! Then this morning after the hundred mile round trip to check it again, I find this, you've caught one in a plastic, fu*k*n box. If I said I was crestfallen, it would be a teeny bit understated. Whats the Samaritans number, ARRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! :cry::cry::cry:


lol :doh:


Thanks Rolfe - confirms what Ditch said before, only I didn't have a picture to be 100%

The little blighters are coming in the new extension part of our house, where pipes run under the floor. Me thinks there is a little hole fixing to do !!


P.S I never knew how much mouse p*ss stank till this morning!!!! :icon_eek:

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it is incderible but they found food they will retern asap i wood take them to the nearist place with weasles and stoats best way to rid of them :thumbs: but niot into the garden

they are liek a small pigeon they will always retern home :( yes looks like you will see him again with a wife and kids as well probably :lol:

Thats just what I want to hear! :laugh::icon_eek:

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I posted a week or so ago regarding some reall bad mouse traps that I bought, and on contacting the company, they sent me some free samples of a live trap, and two "instant kill" traps.

I put the live trap out last night and had a result this morning. Ditch thought by my description it was wood mice that we are getting coming in... The picture is a bit out of focus, but what do you think?........


P.S The kids are going to let him go in our copse later.... AWAY from the house!! :laugh:

I don't believe it, you've caught a golden unicorn vole. I've been trying unsuccessfuly to catch one these last fifty years. I was told by a Shamen, that they could only be caught in a snare made from the braided eyelashes of a Rumanian virgin. I never successfuly found any, though I searched for ten long years. Eventually I gave up my search and came back to Britain, yet it was only when I dropped the virgin prerequisite that I managed to make a snare of sorts. I set it in 1961 and have checked it twice a day since without any luck. Perseverence is a must! Then this morning after the hundred mile round trip to check it again, I find this, you've caught one in a plastic, fu*k*n box. If I said I was crestfallen, it would be a teeny bit understated. Whats the Samaritans number, ARRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! :cry::cry::cry:
















DUCKWING :big_boss:

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