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Hi all :thumbs:

Dumb question but what is a donator? Having been off line due to computor problems for a couple of months I went to place something in the wanted section and found I couldent.

Please could an administrator answer this as assuming a donator means a person who posts on this forum then there might be a glitch since I posted this evening and still couldent put a post on the wanted section.

Sorry to be a wally but need advice on this one. :hmm:

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hi mate i know i am not a mod etc, but a donater is a member who donates money to the thl website. and as of such a date you have to be a donator befoer you can post on the sales section of the site



I'd no idea you were required to donate or even that you could.

Who or what does the money go to and how is it used?

Thanks to anyone who can answer this.

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