matulkoh 66 Posted November 29, 2005 Report Share Posted November 29, 2005 ok those were test for suitability dog for pig hunting. 1 dog have to walk silently near to his owner 2 orientation 3 seeking pigs in forest 4 stay on one place silently and wait until dog master will come- during this time someone shot from a gun a dogs have to stay calmly on one place 5 dog have to stay calmly on one place when couple of guys walkin in the forest and make some noise like they are hunting 6 dog have to seek a trail , during this a refree make a shot dog have to stay calm and continuing seeking until his master call him, then the dog have to come with out any obstructions 7 dog have to follow the trail which is 500m long and he have to find a dead pig at the end, he have to start barkin 8 when the dog during seekin pig in a forest find a fresh trail he have to start barkin and following the trail 9 when the dog find some pigs, have to start barking and attackind pigs an try to push them toward to hunters 10 dog have to stay with pigs whole time until master call him 11 dog must not show any fear 12 dog is put alone to a special area with pigs 100x100m he have to find them and attack them, and stay with them until his master call him 13 he have to prove he can move pigs from one place 14 dog have stay with pigs in contact until his master call him for each of these 14 disciplin there is a scale of numbers from 0 to 4 , č is the best, if the dog get 0 in any discipline he is fired out, there are 3 awards 1c, 2c, 3c 1C ist the best the dog must not have a worse mark like 4 in some disciplines y can get a mark 3 and the best Dog can receive CACT, and CACIT which are similar to CAC or CACIB we have here many test one is on fox under groung, the dog have one minute to enter pipes and get in contact with fox and have 9 more minutes to drive out the fox or grab her. in these tests there are two rounds. the dog which get 1C grab the fox on neck or drive her out, pipes are 25m long and goin up and down, the winning dogs have time around 12s until they get on fox neck or 25s to drive the fox out in the old time in the second round we use the badger except fox Quote Link to post
matulkoh 66 Posted November 29, 2005 Author Report Share Posted November 29, 2005 for some if y think y have a tough dogs come and compete with our jagterriers and rough dachshund. im guarantee y won´t be in first half of competing dogs Quote Link to post
Stabs 3 Posted November 29, 2005 Report Share Posted November 29, 2005 There you go again :11: We don't have trials over here Matulkoh. We just have dogs out doing the work day in day out and for a little bit longer than 25 seconds :11: Nothing about that boar work you described has anything to do with terrier work as such. There's no reason any kind of breed can't do what you have described to a certain extent. As for the earth trials, that's all they are - artificial trials. I'm not saying the dogs won't do the work, but I think a bigger test would be for you to bring your Bedlington over to some of the Welsh boys and see how it got on in a proper dig, (something Taffy and Socks were describing earlier? , rather than anybody off here taking their "tough" dogs over to your trials. It's not about how fast the dog can get hold of the foxes neck or engage the fox, it's about getting out there and controlling the predators, one dog, one quarry and one hole getting down to the dog. That's how a dog is judged over here mate, not how fast he can grab hold. Out of interest, how many of the dogs at these trials will stay until dug to? Do any of them ever get the chance to find out? Just curious. Quote Link to post
socks 32,253 Posted November 29, 2005 Report Share Posted November 29, 2005 we have here many test one is on fox under groung, the dog have one minute to enter pipes and get in contact with fox and have 9 more minutes to drive out the fox or grab her. f**k me 10 mins in all :11: we have f*****g dogs here that would find the fox and kill it in that time :11: :11: :11: Quote Link to post
TimJ 0 Posted November 29, 2005 Report Share Posted November 29, 2005 Matulkoh, tell us more of what you see with the rough dachsunds Quote Link to post
swanseajack 228 Posted November 29, 2005 Report Share Posted November 29, 2005 12 dog is put alone to a special area with pigs 100x100m he have to find them and attack them, and stay with them until his master call him I said they were FARMED boar and not WILD ones.... Quote Link to post
matulkoh 66 Posted November 29, 2005 Author Report Share Posted November 29, 2005 12 dog is put alone to a special area with pigs 100x100m he have to find them and attack them, and stay with them until his master call him I said they were FARMED boar and not WILD ones.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> we hunt 50 wild pigs per year and dug out 60 foxes in area of 2000ha more than 1000 in slovakia per year I think it more than like in y f UK. in if y think we have here farmed boars brink y dogs here and show us. bring y 100% diggers and show us how digg our 25kg badgers, if y wanna have tough dogs go and by some jagterriers. Quote Link to post
matulkoh 66 Posted November 29, 2005 Author Report Share Posted November 29, 2005 we have here many testone is on fox under groung, the dog have one minute to enter pipes and get in contact with fox and have 9 more minutes to drive out the fox or grab her. f**k me 10 mins in all :11: we have f*****g dogs here that would find the fox and kill it in that time :11: :11: :11: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> after dogs past these test they are allowed to go hunting, my friend got a 2years old dachshund bitch which was under groun for 1 and half day and killed 2 badgers which were around 18kg. example my uncle got welshterrier which killed 20foxes per year and several badgers, during the comunismus he earned money from selling foxes fur.guys if never come hunting to slovakia or czech republic y can imagine. y dont have any huge deers any wolves, bears, big cats like rys.... y have to have a permision to go hunting a fox, y are not allowed to dig badgers.... people from all around the world come to Slovakia for hunting. jagterrier breeders sold their 100% diggers for 5000euros to germany, usa, austria.. why they didnt go to UK for y dogs, why some uk guys come to slovakia, czech or hungary to buy a patterdales why? may be because we have better dogs. i ve been in UK y wasnt here so y cant compare Quote Link to post
socks 32,253 Posted November 29, 2005 Report Share Posted November 29, 2005 yhea yhea my cocks bigger than yours .... my dads harder than yours ... grow f*****g up you cock head ......... Quote Link to post
Royston2 0 Posted November 29, 2005 Report Share Posted November 29, 2005 :11: It doesn`t happen very often but when a bigger twat comes upon these boards other than me i just love it roll on the muppet show as you where Quote Link to post
Simoman 110 Posted November 29, 2005 Report Share Posted November 29, 2005 :11: It doesn`t happen very often but when a bigger twat comes upon these boards other than me i just love it roll on the muppet show as you where <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :11: :11: :11: Quote Link to post
matulkoh 66 Posted November 30, 2005 Author Report Share Posted November 30, 2005 check these picks Quote Link to post
matulkoh 66 Posted November 30, 2005 Author Report Share Posted November 30, 2005 thanks mate y right, i know y have a great dogs but why some try to attack every think i wrote. i l be glad if i find someone with great dogs and may be makes some exchange our dogs for their dogs. but a lot of guys here think they ve best dogs in world, so it s hard to speak with them. let s focus on dogs, i lookin for pure bedlington bitch, some workin stock Quote Link to post
swanseajack 228 Posted November 30, 2005 Report Share Posted November 30, 2005 thanks mate y right, i know y have a great dogs but why some try to attack every think i wrote. i l be glad if i find someone with great dogs and may be makes some exchange our dogs for their dogs. but a lot of guys here think they ve best dogs in world, so it s hard to speak with them. let s focus on dogs, i lookin for pure bedlington bitch, some workin stock <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's because you write a load of crap.... after dogs past these test they are allowed to go hunting, my friend got a 2years old dachshund bitch which was under groun for 1 and half day and killed 2 badgers which were around 18kg. why they didnt go to UK for y dogs, why some uk guys come to slovakia, czech or hungary to buy a patterdales why? may be because we have better dogs. for some if y think y have a tough dogs come and compete with our jagterriers and rough dachshund. im guarantee y won´t be in first half of competing dogs please go to terrier forum and tell those what kind of dogs we have here and what the jags are. they thintk their f... hybreds are the best in the world we were on two days test in mountain side of Slovakia, dogs were showing their skills in 14 disciplins, 6 refrees, to days of hunting wild pigs, the toughest tests for terriers, we ended on third place behind patt and smooth fox, but lot of people think that Akela should won but the dog with ovine appearance couldn´t. there were breeds like welsh terrier, wire fox, patt, Slovakian kopov, borders.... and all behind bedlington. refrees said that he is one of the toughest dog they ever seen. two of them have jagterriers. i bring some pics in few days. " my akela is only 19month, but he was in contact with fox more than 20 times, he work and he work hard, unfortenately i dont have any pics but but i m goin hunting this weekend so we will see. we have also those special places where we train our dogs, but no one is allowed to make some pics because of greenpeace and such organizations, slovakia is only country which is allowed to make some competitions in fox hunting. ok, we have some experiences with dogo argentino, pitbulls, bullterriers and the result is in our conditions smaller is better, y ll be supprised if y see our jag terriers they are much more touqher than most of dogs y ever seen. and the best one in few hours i m gonna test my friend s 4,5 months old beddy, let him to kill 2 big guinea pigs, i m curious what he gonna do, my Akela at that age was for the first time in contact with huge wild pigs, and did great. i hope i ll bring some pics Quote Link to post
matulkoh 66 Posted November 30, 2005 Author Report Share Posted November 30, 2005 we spoke a lot about gpigs. i tolds y i wont use them, i did it just once. the things about test, i described y two of them, whats wrong with them, what wrong with my statement that we use bullies and pits and we found the useless( my friends bullie bitch after 2min with 100kg boar were near to dead so we hurry to vet). and the story about 2years old bitch is 100percent true same as the one about my uncles welsh. lets finish these useless craps and focus on dogs, do y know someone with pure bedlington bitch, workin stock? Quote Link to post
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