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too big or not ?

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hello,you need to get out there and try him only you can answer that one.. theres no reason why he wont catch maybe not as many as some smaller dogs but who cares anway as long as your happy with him he might suprise you... enjoy your sport and have fun all the best

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A small dog would accelate quicker but it depends on how the dog uses his brain...if the quarter falls that he is too slow on the turns he might start to freeze and stalk. Mine is big too but tends to stalk outside of the light...tail backwards and feet for feet closing in and freezing when the rabbit moves. It looks supercool but it is not a fast process...try the dog on "easy" ones and see what he does...



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In physical terms a bigger dog is likely to weight more than a smaller one and so will take more to excelerate or decelerate than a lighter one. This means that on short runs it would have less exceleration so less time to strike, on top of this will be the decreased deceleration so wider slower turns again less time within striking range.

But of course in reality it's not that simple, a good big one is good, a bad little one bad, so much will depend on things beyond the pure physics.

On the whole a small rabbit dog should in theory have a better chance of being decent catcher than a large one.

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In over 30 years Ive never seen a running dog that was too bigh to catch rabbits..But, 28 inches wouldnt be my ideal hight for a rabbiter, much prefer something around 23-24 inches, but not too light



Spot on, :thumbs:


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my dog is 28 inches high and haz long back his he too big for rabbits ? is he less likly too ctach than a smaller dog !

tell me what u think josh .... :victory:



A coursing Wallabee.......where did you get that from???



Not an ideal size......... but if he's filling the pot...then that good enough is in not?

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i have a dog 29" he's good on all game including rabbits day and on lamp,although i thought he was a bit too big i've taken him out with my mates with smaller whippet x grey and collie x grey and none of them have done better than him,also he jumps anything and gets about the country better than most.

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i have a dog 29" he's good on all game including rabbits day and on lamp,although i thought he was a bit too big i've taken him out with my mates with smaller whippet x grey and collie x grey and none of them have done better than him,also he jumps anything and gets about the country better than most.

whip is it a horse u have

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