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An unsuccessful evening's rabbiting

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Out this evening controlling rabbits, I've recently got the nod to go onto the neighbour's land too, and the landowner said I was OK to go after foxes.


Thought I'd have a quick butcher's with the Hornet and then get crack with the rimfire. First up, spotted foxy across the 300 yard field, squeaked him in nicely and then proceeded to fluff the 100 yard shot. Not a happy camper at all.


I had a mooch about, found nothing more, went back to the car to get the rimfire. Just thought I'd whack the lamp on the field behind on the offchance (getting too late to give it a proper look) and saw deer, and some more deer, and wait.... not a deer.


So I hopped over the gate and checked the position again, eyes still there. Bit further in, can see easily now, had previously been hidden in the long grass, fox getting washed, and totally and utterly oblivious to the lamp. Like I mean I could have made a cup of tea and it'd still have been sat there.


Bang, fox down. Going to check, I found a vixen, possibly in cub. Not sure if she needed a follow up, but there were signs of life so she got one anyway. I had a quick scan around just before I carried her over to the edge of the field, and saw some more eyes. didn't look like a fox initially, too low down.


Go a few yards over and I get foxy eyes and even more foxy ears. Bang! Second fox down. Hornet is very mild indeed, that was a headshot right between the eyes, and only blood dribbling out of the ears gave it away - none of this centre parting like you see with 243 :)




So then I moved onto the rabbits with the rimfire, and wounded one because (as I later found out :censored: ) the rifle wasn't quite on zero, and I think it's spraying the Winchesters at 50 yards. Rabbit went down like it was a good hit, but then cried out very loud and ran towards its burrow. Being a semi auto I had safe background all the way so I fired a few more and missed. I had hit a foreleg I think as the rabbit was slow and limping, so I chased it! Got close enough and finished it off, but that was the end of the evening. Have to get out with the rimmy and zero it again, at 50 yards, and see. I hate it when stuff like that happens, and it was a shame to finish an otherwise good evening on that note.

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Well done on the foxes :thumbs:

shame about the rabbit, you got him in the end :thumbs:

thats why i am a member of headley park rifle and pistol club

because when im going out lamping if im not sure its ok i go

down the club and check/re-zero if needed

i use a 10-22 semi auto 50m usualy under 15mm groups

plus i can go anytime during the day



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