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Women in Shooting and Hunting (WiSH)

Guest WiSH

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Dear All,


Just wanted to bring to your attention the International Coalition for Women in Shooting and Hunting (WiSH).


WiSH is an apolitical organisation whose primary emphasis is on achieving better recognition of matters affecting women; from improving health and safety, through to accessing services and facilities.


For too long, the voices of women who shoot and hunt have been marginalised through the divisive actions of anti-gun lobbyists, who seek to ‘blame’ firearms for wider social problems. WiSH calls for an end to these counterproductive tactics, and promotes an inclusive and unified approach to improving the wellbeing of all women – especially women in need.


We take an active role in advancing evidence-based policy, and seek to highlight the many positive aspects of hunting. Also, we aim to counter the growing tendency for anti-hunting groups to associate hunting with violence against women.


Please take a look at our website if you have a moment - www.ic-wish.org




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