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What a night !Picked up a mate at 7.30pm and headed to a small farm i have .We had the amber filter on here and set off into the wind .On the lower fields i made out the eyes of at least 8 deer but they wernt hanging around for a closer look :blink: Stood on a tump overlooking a big water meadow and squeaked .A set of eyes appeared in the far distance but over the river and charlie started running to us fast .A couple more squeaks and it was committed ,any more and you run the risk of spooking them i find .Anyway it kept coming flat out a disappeared behind some willows on the river bank .A soft squeak saw it dash down the bank to appear our side the river apparently bone dry :blink: ?.I had to shout it to a standstill or it would have been on us im sure .Mate shot it at 11 paces :victory: with his 22.250


Felt the fox over but it was bone dry and no exit wound at such a short distance?

Went from here to some ground my mate has and it just got better . Over the first gate i could see a fox in the next field as this ground rises slightly .I had the .243 now and got down for a prone shot with my mate lamping .I did the squeaking as thats what i do .Charlie came belting in and shot through the gate like he had a lurcher on his ass.I shouted at this one and it pulled up nicely .Shot it through the neck .As i did so another fox came racing in to the field but never stopped despite a squeak and a shout ,departing with a scrabble over a wall .Next field ,another fox in the middle just ambling about .A soft squeak got his attention and he made his way in slowly to about 100 yards .I was again in the prone position but could only see the top of his head :icon_eek: Despite a squeaking session he didnt want to move and sat down to take in the scene .I decided that to try to get to better position or lift the legson the bipod would have meant a spooked fox so tried a shot .Charlie danced about for while before getting into some rough grass around a badger sette :thumbdown: We looked for it but nothing ,no blood only marks on the dewy grass .

On to the next fields and couldnt believe it when i spotted a brace by a fence line up above us .Another soft squeak saw one belt down over the bank towards us and i hissed so as not to spook the other which was still looking .My mate had my .243 now and shot the close fox as it stopped .AT the shot ,the other fox ran up the bank and out of veiw so we ran up to see where it was .It hadnt gone far and was just by the hedge about 60 yards .Bang and that one was in the bag .


Three in five minutes :victory: .

Back to the truck and on to another small place of mine where a chap keeps a few pigs .In the past ,he has had piglets taken by foxes so we look in from time to time .The firdt little paddock revealed a brace of eyes at the far end .My mate had the silenced 17 hmr as there are houses nearby .I squeaked and the pair came running in to stop at about 70 yards .I told my mate to take one and resting on a fece post ,he shot the right hand fox .Its mate was out the back door straight away but it didnt matter .Examining this one revealed it was another black fronted fox like i dug on Sunday with the terrier .It dosnt get better than this :boogie: Five foxes ,2 dogs and 3 vicks .None in cub ,all barren .


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Bloody hell 'FD' you have bin busy mate. :thumbs: And,it was a top bit of writing as well.That black one looks a bit scrawny mate,a bit like on eI saw tonight,mangey and skinny as a catwalk model. :doh: nice one mate!...........Martin.

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Just to add that my mate had a look for the one i shot and apparently missed and found it stone dead another 50 yards on from where we looked for it ,half in and half out of a stream .Barely a graze was visable to the eye but it died none the less .That brings the tally to a nice -SIX.Sorry no pics of this one :victory: .

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