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hob wont leave jill alone

Guest bigredbusa

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The males do come into season slightly before the females. The big guy wont care and he'll just want his end away. Four of my females have already come into season but just last week there, i took them for the Jill jab as i dont want to breed this time. Seperate them and when she comes into season, put her back with the male. I usually leave them for about three days together just to make sure the procedure has worked then seperate them again. About 46 days later, you will have a we litter. Remember to remove the male after three days cause if you dont, when the babies arrive, you wont have them long cause he will munch them.

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i got a new hob last night and he wiont leave my jill along, grabbing her by the neck, she is not is season yet, could it be just cuz they are new to eachother or should i seperate them or just leave them a week or so...

please i need help :(


he will rag her if he is in season , doing nothing unatural there really, seperate them as the jill will become pissed off at his constant unwanted attention, apart from anything else surely you would seperate them anyway before trying them together, sort of quaranteen , he could be harbering something nasty & then you may find 2 lots of veterinary attentions needing, doubling the cost :)

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i seperated them its a 2 tier hutch so i just put a plank of wood over the ladder so they are completly seperated, when she comes into season i will let them be with eachother for 2-3 days and the seperate them again, im having second thought about the hob now i bought him for the jill so she wont be on her own and she gets used as a rag dole in return...... :( will they be able to live together at some point maybe after all the kits have gone... and they are both out of season..... :(....

any ideas anyone..... not in the best of moods....

feal sorry for the jill to be honest....

Edited by jazz_11
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ok thanks something to look forward to...


is it a bad thing like lift the hob up and let him smell the jill through the cage because they can both smell each other without fighting, would you recomend this or would it just become a problem... sorry i am all new...

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please dont take the p1ss out of me for this post am still carrying the L badge around with me haha.....

does the hob have to be in season, to mate with the jill or will he do it out of his own if u no what i mean...???

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