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Hello. Just signed up. Coming in from Norn Iron, just finished my tea and found the site. Thank goodness. Sick of my partner hogging the computer for her myspace.com/paulamcaleese. I do enjoy my music, but the art of fieldcraft is more entertaining. Have loads of questions and maybe some answers.

I enjoy my vermin control from foxes to corvids, fishing and when flush the odd driven day.

Foxing is my main bad habit. I have been fortunate enough to have shot 5 driven foxes 07/08, to my friends annoyance. He is always busy rough walking for game and as he works the dog, makes me hang out to tidy any strays which never make it to me. When you reach a certain bit of terrain, appart from the tell tale signs of pads and litter I believe a sixth sense gives you a gut feeling that Charlie is at home. I have learnt to position myself and keep my ears open for the light rustle of feet. It is so much quietier and easily distinguished from a bashing crashing spaniel. Maybe its his dog I should thank. Its this feeling that feeds my passion. I have also been involved in lamping foxy, using a 12bore as my weapon of choice. We always bring a shotgun when lamping aswell as a .22 rimfire. The rifle is to be updated, as it doesn't have enough stopping power, it was bought under poor recommendations although has dropped 8 out of 10. Now we've been advised "should've got .17 with its flat trajectory. Na .222!" what to do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Anyhow thanks.

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Hello and welcome onto the site!! I dont think either of those calibers (.22rimfire or a .17hmr) are suitable for fox control on a regular basis. theres just not enough power to them. The .22 is an ideal rabbit and small vermin gun and the .17 is similar but obviously with a greater killing range, I find them great for those wiley old corbies! The reason I dont use my.17 is because the bullet is likely to stray a bit in windy conditions, therefore wounding foxes, as to kill a fox cleanly with either calibre a good head or heart shot is a must! Therefore a .222, .22 centerfire, or even better a .22-.250, are much, much more suitable. These are my thaughts based on my experiences as a keeper/pest controller. Hope this helps. :thumbs:

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