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my bull x has broke her tail half way up, the vet suspects it has to come of but i was having none of it,,talked the vet into giving it till saturday... anyone got any first hand knowledge of a broken tail...it was not the cost i just don,t want a half tailed lurcher as in my eyes this is not so good ...cheers

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my bull x has broke her tail half way up, the vet suspects it has to come of but i was having none of it,,talked the vet into giving it till saturday... anyone got any first hand knowledge of a broken tail...it was not the cost i just don,t want a half tailed lurcher as in my eyes this is not so good ...cheers
hi mate bad luck my bitch broke her tail 3 1/2 years ago one vet said its got to come off vet two put a spint on it . after 4 weeks he put two pieces of plastic each side with vet rap round it for two weeks there is a small bump there but its ok SO I WOULD GO A GET SECOND OPINION WHERE DO YOU LIVE NERE AS YOU NEED A GREYHOUND VET OR WORKING DOG ONE
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My bitch broke her tail and the vet wanted to amputate but gave me a chance to put it right.


If there is any open wounds make sure they are covered with a wound dressing, then wrap with soft bandage and incorporate a splint to keep the tail straight, cover in a proper bandage and cover with vet wrap. The dressing has to go pretty much all the way up the tail and kept dry and straight so the bones can knit properly.


My bitch is fine now, if you look at the picture of her in the brindles thread you can tell there was a break.

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you can not put me and a vet in the same room alone without me wanting to pull there head of ..i try to be nice everytime but this vet knew i wanted to keep the tail on this dog really had to talk her into trying to keep the tail but she sent me AWAY £60 LITE and with 4 tablets ,,,no splint feck all ..once again it just confirms to me your average vet knows nothing ,,i am off to make my own splint ,,,vets :wallbash:

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I must be lucky to have a good vet then, the practise I use have always done what is best for my dogs, not just what fills their pocket.


Just make sre the splint doesn't rub the tail at all. Keep the dressing dry and make sure you change it every few days or so, more regularly if the skin is broken.

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a big thank you to steve for his advice on a good vet ..it has since transpired that i was right to fight the first vet off when she wanted to take my dogs tail off...total arse she was ..i went home and made up a splint MYSELF and went to john oconnor yesterday and he said no way did her tale ever half to come off he said i done right making my own splint and getting her for a second opinion.....what a total relief i have not slept right since it happened..word of advice if it happens to anyone who reads this splint the tail up as fast as you can i used a foam sleeping mat you use for camping cut it about 6-8 inch long put it up against the tale then strapped it but not to tight then get your dog to a good greyhoung vet,,i am going to order a pile of painkillers-anti inflammatrys and anti biotics so next time i am not at the mercy of a MONEY GRABBING UNDER EXPERIENCED VET,,all the best,,if anyone who reads this and knows a good vet in there area put there name up so other people can benifit from your knowledge :thumbs:

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a big thank you to steve for his advice on a good vet ..it has since transpired that i was right to fight the first vet off when she wanted to take my dogs tail off...total arse she was ..i went home and made up a splint MYSELF and went to john oconnor yesterday and he said no way did her tale ever half to come off he said i done right making my own splint and getting her for a second opinion.....what a total relief i have not slept right since it happened..word of advice if it happens to anyone who reads this splint the tail up as fast as you can i used a foam sleeping mat you use for camping cut it about 6-8 inch long put it up against the tale then strapped it but not to tight then get your dog to a good greyhoung vet,,i am going to order a pile of painkillers-anti inflammatrys and anti biotics so next time i am not at the mercy of a MONEY GRABBING UNDER EXPERIENCED VET,,all the best,,if anyone who reads this and knows a good vet in there area put there name up so other people can benifit from your knowledge :thumbs:
great you got to see him hes a good old boy cheep to . glad to help regs steveuk :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
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