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I'm sure there is some pretty hardend Gamers or whoever on the site which could hopefully help me out on this one. My lad if I let him will go on Xbox Live 24/7, at weekends he wakes up turns the console on and bang he'll be on it all day and all evening until finally we manage to get him off, Its now that bad he don't know what to do with himself when he's not on it. He now doesn't want to come out with me anymore or has the want to do anything else, in a way its me to blame for this because part of his birthday present was a years subscription to xbox live, plus who buys him all the games :doh:....


In his defence all I can say is its pretty adictive to say the least, some of his shoot em ups like "Call Of Duty 4" and "Gears Of War" have unbeleavable graphics and put the player in a pretty realistic war zone, he is also hooked on the fact you get to compete against other gamers all over the world and talk with a head set and fight against each other....


The question is How long would you alow yourself or child to play on this pure day? it keeps him out of mischeif I know but is he over doing it and would you think this is bad for him?





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to be honest jasper, im acomplete nut when i got anew game for the xbox or ps3, i play them till i get sick of the game or get aheadache off of them. anew game only last me for afew days and then ive completed it or p@@@ed off with it. the only way i can see you controlling him with the computer is limit the amount of games u buy to 1 or 2 amonth. thats what i do and it work for me

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Halo series is another he blasts the night away on :yes:. I must admit even some people like myself who is supposed to be all grown up could get addicted to these! I've had a few blasts with him on two player mode on Live where you have to plant the Bomb in each others base before being taken out, I ended up with a sniper rifle and was shocked how realistic it was! I had to wait until my heart beat slowed down before taking a decent stable shot....


He's only 11 and plays a Electric Guitar like a demon! and likes the girls ;), but its only lately he has taken things to another level on his xbox and seldom does anything else. Just found these on Youtube of the games he play! mind you I think he's a bit better than a few on here with all the bloody practice he's had :hmm:...


Tonight I have decided he has a couple of hours on it and off....




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I got one about 5 month ago jasper, there amazing compared to what was available years ago...haven't used mine much lately as I've had too much to be doing...that gears of war is brilliant, but the people who use it online must just play on them 24/7, you go on and end up dead in 3 minutes with a sniper shot to the head... :laugh:

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  IanB said:
I got one about 5 month ago jasper, there amazing compared to what was available years ago...haven't used mine much lately as I've had too much to be doing...that gears of war is brilliant, but the people who use it online must just play on them 24/7, you go on and end up dead in 3 minutes with a sniper shot to the head... :laugh:

bet they wouldnt last five minutes in real life!


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I think a few of us lads on here should should get on line, swap gamer tag info and lets have some carnage :gunsmilie:.


I'm pretty crap at it and expect to be dropped sharpish! but if there is any on liners out there who fancy a good old THL shoot em up lets rock n roll :thumbs:....


The game's my lad has available on line is: "Call Of Duty 4" "Halo 3" "Gears Of War". we could have a good crack sometime :victory:....



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I must admit the last games console I bought was a Playstation one years ago. My brother in law brought his X-Box up at christmas with several games, I played call of duty four and found it fun for a couple of hours but soon got bored, I couldn't buy one............

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  Simoman said:
I must admit the last games console I bought was a Playstation one years ago. My brother in law brought his X-Box up at christmas with several games, I played call of duty four and found it fun for a couple of hours but soon got bored, I couldn't buy one............


You're right Simon playing with yourself can be a bit boring :whistling:. but these Xbox 360 Live games are pretty good even for a wrinkly like me ;), mind you I am about 16 going on 42 in my head but its just the body these days thats letting me down....


I was watching my lad the other day with some other lads on his side from America and all over the place, they was fighting against some foreign speeking lads which I must admit seem to get a bit heated! I think the jist of it all is to accumilate as many kills as possible on this Death match and whoevers team does!! wins. if you can record 3 kills on the trot you are then able to call in a Air Strike!! Blimey I'm beggining to sound like my lad now :laugh:.....

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  speedlamper said:
bribe him, an hours homework a night = an hour on the console a night, he does 5 nights at an hour each he also gets 5 hours spread over the weekend, 2 hours a night homework gets him 2 hours at night 10 at the weekend


everyones a winner


You're right mate :thumbs:. I know he's going to hate me for it! but its a case of being cruel to be kind I suppose. plus while he is doing his homework I can play on it :laugh: .....

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