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First time using nets !!


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Used purse nets for the very first time today and actually got one !!! Had a half hour to spare before work and finally decided to try my hand at netting, have used my ferrets to bolt to dogs and/or guns before but never tried netting.No doubt the experts will despair at my lack of even basic knowledge of this artform but I had good fun trying my hand at it. My purse nets leave a lot to be desired as they are shop bought nasty pieces of shite that weigh next to nothing and tangle in an instant. Using the younger of my two jills on her own as the older one still does not understand not to try to go through the nets ( I tried a very basic form of training by placing a net at the end of a pipe in the garden and allowing said ferrets to get tangled for a few minutes before freeing them, the younger of the two got it after only a few times ).Placed my nets over half a dozen holes(as I only have 6 nets) and entered the jill "fifi".






The ground is at the back of a new build in some old deposits of topsoil.




She popped out now and then for a look around and thankfully stayed away from the nets. Then success rabbit hits a net at speed and is well and truly tangled.




Had the camera in hand and placed my foot on him to stop him bucking before despatching him.




I'm definitely hooked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest bigredbusa

mate instead of putting your foot on the rabbit ,stick it in the hole while you grab the rabbit and re-net soon as poss , even tho you have explained the pic the scum could easily see it in a different light . :)


well done on your first attempt

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Good effort Finny.

I use a lot of shop bought nylon nets although I learned from a member on here on how to make my own which makes the capture 100 times more satisfying I can tell you!

Try persevering with the nylon ones,the knack is to untangle them by pulling the rings away from eachother and keep them stretched out like that but tied together in the middle when carrying.

My Jills are quite small and can fit through the mesh wearing collars although they accasionally like to play with the nets in the mouth of the hole.

Also I find that time spent clearing any thorns or brambles away from the entrance a aweek before ferreting pays dividends and reduces tangles.Good luck! Mooster. ;)

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  finny said:

Used purse nets for the very first time today and actually got one !!! Had a half hour to spare before work and finally decided to try my hand at netting, have used my ferrets to bolt to dogs and/or guns before but never tried netting.No doubt the experts will despair at my lack of even basic knowledge of this artform but I had good fun trying my hand at it. My purse nets leave a lot to be desired as they are shop bought nasty pieces of shite that weigh next to nothing and tangle in an instant. Using the younger of my two jills on her own as the older one still does not understand not to try to go through the nets ( I tried a very basic form of training by placing a net at the end of a pipe in the garden and allowing said ferrets to get tangled for a few minutes before freeing them, the younger of the two got it after only a few times ).Placed my nets over half a dozen holes(as I only have 6 nets) and entered the jill "fifi".






The ground is at the back of a new build in some old deposits of topsoil.




She popped out now and then for a look around and thankfully stayed away from the nets. Then success rabbit hits a net at speed and is well and truly tangled.




Had the camera in hand and placed my foot on him to stop him bucking before despatching him.




I'm definitely hooked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[/quoteYou've done a sight better than me for your first time with nets. I saved my school dinner money and bought six nets from an advertiser in Exchange&Mart.My huge pet hob took to bolting rabbits like a stoat but I didn't have much luck actually catching them.Eventually he grabbed one at the mouth of a burrow and I managedto take hold of it.It was a major but short-lived triumph....We lost many more rabbits before I recieved a copy of JackIlvester Lloyds' rabbiting manual from my Mum and learned that purse are supposed to have pegs ! :icon_redface:

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  bigredbusa said:
mate instead of putting your foot on the rabbit ,stick it in the hole while you grab the rabbit and re-net soon as poss , even tho you have explained the pic the scum could easily see it in a different light . :)


well done on your first attempt


Good advice that mate , never thought of sticking my boot in the bolt hole until it's renetted , I know what you mean about the pic. and to be honest I was unsure whether to put it up or not but as I said it only took a second to snap one of him and despatch . Cheers for the advice :thumbs:

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  nbk said:
well done lad we must get out sometime with the ferrets i am a net virgin myself...hahaha


"Net virgin" thought you were just a "virgin" bud :clapper: Hows the dog pup doing ? Looks as big as the other two now , might have a days ferreting coming up soon so I'll give you a bell in plenty of time :thumbs:

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