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ear lice

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Canaural is very good you might be able to get it of the internet.Have heard that Thornit powder is good but never used it, you can get that off the internet.Treat the mites ASAP because if left untreated your dog could scratch until it bursts a blood vessel in the ear flap and this in itself can cause other complications.....


Ruby :)

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Thornit is the last word in ear mite treatment. First and last. Why spend money on anything else when that stuff is the b0llocks?


It's all over Google. Just ask for it by name. Around a tenner a pot and that'll - like mine - just always be there, on the shelf, in case ye ever get another Dog comes in with the problem.


Don't forget to treat between the toes too. They end up there as the Dog scratches.


Notice how the poor b*stards keep shaking their heads too? Must be pure hell for them :(

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How do you know your dog has ear lice?

(other than they go made with scratchin.


what can you use to treat it?

and where do you get it or is it off to the vets?


Hate vet bills!


many thanks for any advice replies




Take a Qtip rub around in your dogs ear and then wipe on to a piece of black construction paper. They are little white specks that move. Try a couple of drops of rubbing alcohol in the dogs ears. If he has moisture buildup or a yeasty fungal situation it will help to clear it up. If your dog is on Frontline or some other preventative you shouldn't have ear mites as they a blood suckers and would die. This is another option on treatment. Hope this helps. Give the poor beggar one of these :drink: Its on me :D

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