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has anyone seen the news this lunchtime, greenpeace demonstrators have climbed on top of a Boeing at heathrow and pinned a banner over climate change to the tail. does anyone else see this as a situation only a pressure group suchas them could get away with. anyone else would have had an armed response unit pointing MP5's at them but not this lot.

anyone else share this view that they get away with murder?



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Now now lads. Are you happy for the planet to fry? One of these people is my friend and neighbour. We go fishing together, he wants to come ferreting, he has a very handy little bushing terrier and thinks the Hunting Act is bollocks. Life's not that simple :D

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Guest JohnGalway

Why don't they go climb the smoke stack of a power plant then instead of inconviencing the travelling public. I wouldn't be at all happy if my flight were to be held up for those types. If I were the captain, I'd board the passangers and head away. Up to that lot if they want to go along for the ride also.


I don't have a problem with protests or protestors as long as they're not putting other folks out.

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Now now lads. Are you happy for the planet to fry? One of these people is my friend and neighbour. We go fishing together, he wants to come ferreting, he has a very handy little bushing terrier and thinks the Hunting Act is bollocks. Life's not that simple :D

its all there fault anyway sprayin a.l.f and all that crap over peoples property, dont they realise these spray paints contain ozone damaging cfc's!


nobody to blame but themselves :laugh:

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Now now lads. Are you happy for the planet to fry? One of these people is my friend and neighbour. We go fishing together, he wants to come ferreting, he has a very handy little bushing terrier and thinks the Hunting Act is bollocks. Life's not that simple :D


The planet's not going to fry. The climate of the earth has got a lot hotter, a lot faster without mankinds help. Tell your mate to get a job. :thumbs:

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