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beach casting

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Guest bullterrier

what reel you using mate multiplier or fixed spool there's a big difference make sure that you learn to tie your shock leader knots properly the last think you want are crack offs some one could get hurt casting weights 1 0/z ten pound line 6 o/z sixty pound 7 o/z seventy pound lines and you can get some good casting DVDs off eBay mate hope this helps . :thumbs: ..john ps i always have shock leader on my reel a few turns and then the full length of the rod

Edited by bullterrier
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Guest craftycarper

casting is casting, just like throwing 2oz carp leads, just take yer time and don't try to run before you can walk, it also depends on what tides you are fishing and ground conditions related to lead size for pinning the rig down. I dont take any notice of the pendulam casting styles etc, get yourself down to your permission with a rod set up and practice on the fields, take a pair of gloves to pull the lead out of the ground as well ,that will give yer a rough idea as to what force they hit the ground at hence the reason for matching leader breaking strains to lead size....believe me you don't wanna crack off and it going in the wrong direction :icon_eek: If using a muliplyer slacken it off to get a bit more distance, but not too much. If you get it bird nested/tangled don't fiddle about trying to untangle it, just walk it out by backing up/walking backwards...tight lines

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casting is casting, just like throwing 2oz carp leads, just take yer time and don't try to run before you can walk, it also depends on what tides you are fishing and ground conditions related to lead size for pinning the rig down. I dont take any notice of the pendulam casting styles etc, get yourself down to your permission with a rod set up and practice on the fields, take a pair of gloves to pull the lead out of the ground as well ,that will give yer a rough idea as to what force they hit the ground at hence the reason for matching leader breaking strains to lead size....believe me you don't wanna crack off and it going in the wrong direction :icon_eek: If using a muliplyer slacken it off to get a bit more distance, but not too much. If you get it bird nested/tangled don't fiddle about trying to untangle it, just walk it out by backing up/walking backwards...tight lines

Sound advice. :thumbs: I gave up on the pendulum cast for now, as I was worried about the other people around me while I was fishing, so it's just the standard overhead cast for me. I'm still tempted to learn the pendulum though, some of the distances quoted for the cast are amazing.

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