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dog whistle

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My suggestion is try him with a few and see how he reacts, you will be able to see it easily enough. It is the more expensive route at usually around £6 each, but better to know for sure which he responds to best.

There are times where you may forget or lose your Whistle, so train him to your own personal Whistle using your Mouth too.

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Hi, the ACME whistles are the most popular, simply because they tend to be the best. They are also quite cheap (£4-£5, or cheaper via the internet) so if you do loose it, you can easly buy a new one. I use the 211.5 but the most popular used for Cockers and Springers are 210.5. As already stated, try out different ones and see which suit you and your dog the best.

Hope this helps

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  • 2 weeks later...

when I was training my cocker i was told by a well respected local (with 2 well trained Springer’s) that a 212 was the best and is used by most field trials trainers, because it is the only one that doesn’t change pitch whether you blow hard or soft, it just gets louder or quieter, this makes a more consistent noise and is easer for the dog to recognize. I bought one and my dog is responding well. Youngshot.

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i also use the acme 210.5 whistle on a lanyard for my lab actually there is two whistles exactly the same on it it seems to work very well but i think its whatever you start with continue with and the dog will respond accordingly.

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