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PAYPAL ........ Pain in the arse!!!

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Ok so after numerous requests from people to pay by Paypal, I opened an account a couple of weeks ago, not linked to a bank account, because A. I haven't got one, and B. I know from experience how easy it is for people to do chargebacks, if your paypal account is funded by your current account and someone pays you say £300 for an item, then a week later reports that they haven't had it, then Paypal just refund them anyway, the money comes straight out of your bank account and you lose..........


But, I thought it might be good for taking the odd £20 here and there, makes life easy etc.


Well it worked well for a week or so, then I got this (genuine) email:


Recent account activity has made it necessary for us to collect additional

verification information.


Reference Number: PP-424-624-523


For your protection, we have temporarily limited access to your account. We

will review this access once you have completed all the steps we have

requested. You can view these steps in the Resolution Centre of your PayPal



To review your account and some or all of the information that PayPal used

to make its decision to limit your account access, please visit the

Resolution Centre. If, after reviewing your account information, you seek

further clarification regarding your account access, please contact PayPal

by visiting the Help Centre and clicking 'Contact Us'.


Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that

this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account.

We apologise again for any inconvenience this may cause you.

For your protection, we have limited access to your account until

additional security measures can be completed. We apologise for any

inconvenience this may cause.


To review your account and some or all of the information that PayPal used

to make its decision to limit your account access, please visit the

Resolution Centre. If, after reviewing your account information, you seek

further clarification regarding your account access, please contact PayPal

by visiting the Help Centre and clicking 'Contact Us'.


We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand

that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your

account. We apologise for any inconvenience


Yours sincerely,

PayPal Account Review Department



Basically they want me to link a bank account to my paypal account and provide loads of proof as to my identity, but hety also want me to send them, my passport, driving licence, and invoices for recent transactions .............






Then they want me to send them the parcel tracking numbers for recent purchases (most of which are for people on here! Has someone done something dodgy they'd like to share with us?




Fair enough they need to do checks on people, but this seems a bit over the top, and ............ they didn't tell me any of this when my account was nearly empty, they waited for it to be nice and full then hit me with this, my account is now frozen until I provide all the above details, am thinking they can shove it right up there European arses.



So everyone, back to cash in the post for me from now on, sorry, I did try to join the new Millenium!

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:hmm: I don't like this, mate. Doesn't seem right.


For one thing; Either you copy / pasted that e mail from Pay Pal terribly badly, or else it was written by a f*cking Nigerian. See how it repeats itself? Couple of whole paragraphs in there are needlessly and senselessly repeated at ye. You That bad at simply shading out an entire message and right clicking it? I suspect not.


Another thing; Just for you, I just went to Google and looked up eBay. I went there and signed into my account. From there I went to my own PayPal account and signed in there. I was watching things Very carefully all the time. I noticed just what I was looking for too.


Look at the screen grabs ye showing us. Address bar. Sure, it reads " https:// ". But then, far right, ye have a little padlock with 'P' on it, just left of the standard padlock with the black and yellow tape. I never got the one with 'P' on it, mate.


Whole thing stinks to high heaven. Where'd ye get that " e mail from Pay Pal "? In ye normal mailer? I take it ye still have it there? I hope so.


If so, Foreward it to Spoof@Paypal.com. Their system will check it out and ye should get a pretty well instantaneous reply from them. If ye do, all hell will let lose. They'll tell ye what to do in case ye've responded to that earlier mail and have told them anything, like ye PayPal password.


If ye've slung out the original email, PM me. We can get our heads together and see what we can do. I'm just thankful ye have no bank account attatched to that account and that it got ye going enough to bring it here, to ye friends.


I'll be around for another hour or so yet. As long as ye haven't sent " PayPal " anything useful, no panic. But this bears investigation 8)

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DS you are right, this does not read right and sounds fishy. I have 2 PP accounts, one linked to a current account and the other just a PP one. I have had no requests to back up my second PP account with a curent account at all; do get requests to have one of them verified but thats it; and the communication looks nothing like the one above......!!

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Sorry DS, I went to bed shortly after posting that, just seen the replies, thanks for your concern.


I have no doubt that the requests for validation, and the provision of ID and invoice details are genuine,


This is my Paypal homepage now:




I know the email rambles on and looks dodgy, but even if we assume that is a fake, then I still get this when I log into Paypal, from any direction, through ebay, from the homepage.






On the screen shot of the transactions they asked me to provide further details for, 3 of the transactions are with people off here!


It is definitely Paypal that are asking for these details, they want me to produce ID verification to them, they want details of some of my transactions including invoices (if you've ever dealt with me you'll know I'm more interestded in making collars than writing invoices), and I have to add a Bank Account to continue, as I said, I'm annoyed they waited until there was money in the account before they froze it and mad ridiculous demands.


Needless to say I won't be using Paypal any more!!!!

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I would imagine that this is all to do with the laws making finance companies responsible for checks on money laundering.


From their perspective this is an 'unknown' person, with no verifyable ID, receiving a relatively large number of medium sized payments, most or all of which are not linked to any recognised auction site like ebay and so untraceble.


This must have triggered almost all the checks and safeguards they have.

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if in doubt of the email, do not open any links in the email as it can re-direct you to a "fake" paypal site..... always type in the address in the address bar...to be safe...


I once had this with ebay..... and when i contacted them, they said the email was not genuine. even if the email address looks genuine, it may not be

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I would imagine that this is all to do with the laws making finance companies responsible for checks on money laundering.


From their perspective this is an 'unknown' person, with no verifyable ID, receiving a relatively large number of medium sized payments, most or all of which are not linked to any recognised auction site like ebay and so untraceble.


This must have triggered almost all the checks and safeguards they have.






Mr Jasper, I resemble that remark! :whistling:


I can see why they've done it ................ I'm annoyed because I thought I'd found a nice little way to make my service quicker, I guess I still have I just need to provide them with all my details, which isn't really very helpful from my point of view! :no:


It's game over now anyway, I haven't got nor want a Bank Account, so that's that I think.

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Pain in the arse is about right,


I transfered some money from an account into a current account begining of Febuary, this cleared on the 13th of feb, so on the 13th, I transfered funds to paypal, should have cleared today the 22nd. Just had a looky and the b*****ds failed.

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